Further Reading

Friday 27 April 2007

Chemtrails: 'The Great Dying'

Main and ancillary operational objectives of Chemtrails as outlined in Operation Red Sky,

Phase One:
Main objective:

Creative cleavages in spatial perceptions. Creating a blockage in the brain of the interaction of various amino acids that relate to higher consciousness and the increase of dopamine in the brain producing a listless, euphoric state of lower, reactive mind.

This, though most cannot (won't?) process this perception, is their main objective. It has many layers to it, and the salts found in chemtrails are the prime indicators of just why they use such a vector to create this state in the human brain, the physical repository of and connecting point between the real and the unreal.

To understand this goal necessitates an understanding of the human soul, the Self (Christ or God within, if you like) and the connection between the two as related to the endocrine system functioning within each human host.

Pay close attention to these last words, as "host" indicates that there is a parasitic relationship to be established. Many UFO abductions are part of this op.

To begin with, we must understand that our intelligence agencies are operating at a very high level of OCCULT SKILL AND AWARENESS, as taught to them by their progenitors, the Nazis of old who were brought here in 1947 through 1953 via various operations, the most common known being operation Paper-Clip. In short, any Intel agent of a G20 rating is a practicing black magician entirely "sold out," soul-wise, and are speaking plainly functioning black Adepts with a complete and unquestioned license to kill. These are the top-level agency personnel. Make no mistake. These are the very same men and women who run the Mind Control Ops (CIA & MI5), the abduction of children (FBI & CID) on a staggering global level, are involved in and are the contactees between the Ets and our government, ad nauseam.

In short, to understand Chemtrails we must understand the personnel who have the power to do what they want, whenever they want, and we must also understand their needs. They need the following:

1. The overall "frequency" of each of their charges (human beings in each country) to function at a specific rate below the threshold of awareness. The study of brain-wave, Remote Viewing techniques, and other related research holds the key to this. As we know, a physical brain functioning at 12 to 14 cycles per second is agitated and cannot, therefore, become perceptive of any cycle not within the same frequency, especially if that BRAIN IS ARTIFICIALLY stabilized to that frequency. How can one perceive love, when the brain can only register impatience, anger, etc? (Remember, their goal has to do with our souls in dimensions humanity has never, ever, considered.)

It is because of the occult nature of our covert agencies (and the real powers running them) that most cannot even begin to research in the right direction to begin with.

2. The immune system of the host must be depleted. This relates to control, simply put. If the slightest breeze makes you dizzy, what kind of defense can you be expected to put up if you can't lift your arms above your head without getting a headache? The many outnumber the few. This is the main reason for much of the desiccated red blood cells found in chemtrails: biowarfare. This also allows the parasite to latch onto the human host with little resistance from the organism so attached.

3. They need agreement. This last statement is by far the MOST CRUCIAL STAGE of all. It isn't enough to make us slaves, we MUST WANT TO BECOME SLAVES. Food scarcity, low wages, false idealism as propagated via network commercials, all create a state of low-level dependency to a state system, but it is not enough.

To win these ruling covert agencies need our permission to do what they will to us (Universal Law, no getting around that one and they've known this since 1847.) The system of this biosphere has one final gate that only each of us can open or close and it is, in fact, free will.

Free will. Such a concept. That alone would take another ten pages, but there's no time. Once we understand their needs, their objectives become easily understandable and quite discernable.

The real questions never-NEVER-asked in any chemtrails discussions is What do they want? How must they achieve it?

Ancillary objective: create and maintain a lowered immune system, for use by phase three, which is the execution of their binary weapons systems, to be triggered by microwaves.

Know what a GWEN tower is? Better find out and soon, as you can see them everywhere from your homes and offices. Ever wonder why we have so very many cell phones practically given away for free right now? Know what a burst transmitter is?

Does anyone have even the remotest idea of what a low-watt microwave transmission does to the cerebellum when the human brain is within three feet of such a device? If you lack this knowledge, then it is to your detriment. The information is out there.