Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Global Warming Debate; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Further Reading
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Chemtrails are a phenomenon which have been witnessed initially over the skies in the USA for the last decade. A phenomenon always denied by officialdom but witnessed by the eyes of the public. In recent years chemtrails have begun appearing in the skies above most countries of the Western world. Officialdom's silent stance betrays the usual stance of 'silence is the best policy; make 'em think they are imagining it'. But one thing is CERTAIN, Chemtrails are out there and they are NOT natural phenomenon nor are they the normal vapour trails left by aircraft. If the phenomenon of chemtrails was for the good of mankind and beneficial to our survival, then officialdom would have released their scientific world statistics and laboratory reports to 'support' their press releases. There is only silence and denial. This is ominous. This points to something truly malevolent and devious.
The definition of Chemtrails in Wikipedia reads:
The word Chemtrail refers to a body of conspiracy theory. The theory claims that some cloudy contrails left behind jet aircraft are:
*different in appearance and quality from those of normal water-based contrails,
*are not produced naturally by normal aircraft engine operation, and
*may be composed of harmful chemicals.
The theory has not gained widespread acceptance. The general unifying factor is the generally conspiratorial belief that some kind of chemical or biological agent is being released. The term "chemtrail" should not be confused with other forms of aerial dumping (e.g. crop dusting, cloud seeding or aerial firefighting). It specifically refers to systematic, high-altitude dumping of substances such as barium oxide, trimethylaluminium, liquid propane, and mycoplasmas for disclosed purposes of geoengineering (mainly in European countries) resulting in the appearance of these supposed chemtrails.
Among the proposed purposes of the alleged "chemtrails" are: atmospheric and weather modification, biological warfare, mind control or occult purposes. They are also theorized to be part of a system to counter the effects of global warming, to create a cheap wireless communications network for the military (by making the air more electrically conductive to microwave and radar signals), or to create a more sophisticated radar system with applications to both national defense and scientific study, such as those described within the HAARP project and the VTRPE project.
The chemtrail theory apparently first achieved prominence in mid-to-late 1990s.[1][2] Chemtrails have been discussed on radio programs hosted by Art Bell and Jeff Rense with investigative journalist William Thomas who first reported on Chemtrails [1]. According to a FAQ[3] posted at Jeff Rense's website, "chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of X's, tic-tac-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mares' tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a 'fake cirrus-type cloud' that persists for hours."
One chemtrail theorist, Clifford E. Carnicom, operator of a website entitled "Aerosol Crimes and Cover-ups",[4] claims to have analyzed ground-level air samples following chemtrail events. It is not clear what his experience or expertise in chemical analysis is, but he carefully detailed the methods and procedures he used. He claims to have found airborne barium, calcium, and magnesium, and "microscopic fibers" in areas supposedly exposed to chemtrails.[5]
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a graduate of Tufts University and former faculty member at Tufts and Harvard University,[2] discusses chemtrails in his 2001 book Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare.
"Chemtrails" are mentioned in House Bill HR 2977,[6] the Space Preservation Act of 2001, introduced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, where it appears as one of a list of "exotic weapons system[s]" to be banned under the bill. Proponents of the reality of chemtrails point to this as official acknowledgment of the possibility, at least, of such weapons systems. The reference to Chemtrails was omitted from the version of the bill re-introduced by Kucinich in 2002 as HR 3616[7] or in 2003 as HR 3657.[8]
An article entitled "The Chemtrail Smoking Gun"[9] by Bruce Conway, suggested that chemtrails represent the implementation of technologies suggested in a 1992 National Academy of Science study, Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming;[10] specifically, that chemtrails are part of a secret project intended to mitigate global warming. Some science has corroborated this phenomenon as global dimming.
The Las Vegas Tribune, a free weekly broadsheet, ran an article on September 9, 2005, entitled "Chemtrails - Coming Out Of The Closet?",[11] wherein that publication's managing editor, Marcus K. Dalton, stated that United States Air Force scientists working at Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Dayton, told Columbus Alive[12] - a weekly entertainment magazine - that they had been conducting two aerial spraying experiments: "one involved aluminum oxide spraying related to global warming and the other involved barium stearate and had to do with high-tech military communications."[13] Dalton basically rehashes William Thomas's article in Convergence Weekly,[14] though some new information is presented.
Three Faulty Theories Seeking To Explain Chemtrails
Chemtrails are unusually persistent airplane contrails with impacts upon weather and the health of those exposed to chemtrail fallout. They have been sighted in many countries and during all hours of the day and night, though chemtrail spraying usually begins early in the morning and slows in the evening. Air crafts involved in this phenomenon are commercial and military planes, the latter identifiable by travelling in areas and directions otherwise restricted for commercial flights. There are three major theories concerning an explanation of the chemtrail phenomenon: 1. Weather modification 2. Mass inoculation 3. Population control These theories do not adequately explain the range of data gathered.
*1 Weather Modification
The weather modification theory arises from two clues, first that increasing cloudiness and precipitation sometimes occurs after a day of spraying, and second that EDB - ethylene dibromide or dibromethane - has been found in chemtrail fallout. Ethylene dibromide has similar effects on cloud formation as silver iodide, a chemical normally used in cloud seeding. But this theory does not explain the presence of genetically engineered viruses and bacteria in chemtrail residue, or the resulting epidemic of flu-like symptoms. If anything, EDB serves partly as a condensation nuclei around which water vapor in the atmosphere can condense, making thick chemtrails visible for satellite tracking.
2 Mass Inoculation
The mass inoculation theory is more viable, as aerosol dispersion of vaccines is certainly possible as mentioned. The spraying is occurring worldwide. Foreign governments are putting money and risk into spraying their respective populations. Since America could be the prime target of a biological terrorist attack, spraying the rest of the world is a waste of money and time. Fact is, biological attacks are too localized an event to account for global spraying. The secrecy of the chemtrail phenomenon puts it into the domain of black budget projects and shadow government operations. It is unwise to claim that the shadow government (the same one responsible for the Gulf War Syndrome cover-up, dangerous biological testing upon unsuspecting citizens, avocation of fluoride in public water supplies, forceful suppression of alternative medicinal and technological inventions, electronic harassment of dissenters, and murder of whistle blowers) is spraying Joe Bloggs in Oklahoma, or in London, or in Paris, or in Sydney. just so that he can live and contribute to the overpopulation problem.
*3. Overpopulation
Which brings us to the point of overpopulation. If the world's population is indeed to be reduced as drastically as demanded by the World Health Organization and the World Wildlife Fund among many, people need to die, not just stop reproducing. Supposedly, chemtrails are an effort to accomplish this. Single agent spraying, whereby what's being applied now to the population will eventually kill them, is unlikely. Right now, people are recovering from chemtrail induced sickness. If single agent spraying was indeed the method, more people would be dead by now. And even with an agent possessing delayed lethality, the variability in immune responses among affected persons would result in some dying prematurely. Since chemtrail related deaths have been extremely low, the possibility of chemtrails containing delayed single agents is equally low. Double agent spraying is another possibility. One benign agent is applied now, and its combination with an activator in the future would turn it lethal. The activator can be anything from another biological or chemical substances to electromagnetic fields such as those potentially generated by HAARP. The electromagnetic method is pure speculation and thus considered unlikely. Applying the activator agent would result only in the deaths of those affected by the benign agent. This is a lot of work, hassle, and risk compared to just applying a single agent at that time and skipping ever having to deal with a benign agent. Why do double agent spraying and take the risk with visible chemtrails and whistle blowers now, when you can keep everything clandestine until that final day when you apply a lethal single application? Double agent spraying is obviously not the method employed. Since single agent spraying has been discounted above, the 'population control' theory does not hold.
So then ... what are Chemtrails for? Who has given the instruction for them to be dispersed in the atmosphere? Why?