Further Reading

Saturday 28 April 2007

Hagall - A Hailstorm

"And so it came to pass that men believed they held the power
The warriors then were hailed as gods from every battle tower
But then the source began to roar, t'was such an awesome sound
And each of man's creations lay in ruin on the ground"

The literal translation of Hagall is hail; frozen rain which falls from the sky. Hail is water transformed for a short time into ice during which time it can fall from the sky and destroy crops or property. When it has done the damage, it then melts and changes back to a harmless and beneficial liquid.

Hagall is symbolically the icy primal seed of structure and transformation, patterned in accordance with the primal sacred geometry; those forms which underlie the universe.

Hagall therefore signifies the processes which are necessary for anything to be accomplished, and because of this, Hagall is intrepreted as 'necessary' or 'unavoidable' delay .. It is a provider of frustration and despair. Like the weather, which is out of our control (??), so certain processes in life are also out of our control. Hagall is the energy which describes our location in the sacred geometry of the universe; our actions and our deeds are governed by the construction and reconstruction of these patterns. Therefore, delays are unavoidable as our life structure is re-aligned to be in sync with its adjusted blueprint in the sacred geometry of the universe.

Hagall appearing in any casting indicates that changes are being made, below the surface. Matters are out of the querent's hands and patience is required until the changes are revealed in the future. That which Hagall indicates is the unknowable at that point in time. A decision - a choice - an outcome even.

Hagall can be the rune of misfortune with sudden and unexpected events taking place. It is a portend of disruptions, good or bad.

Hagall is also the rune of the unconscious mind and of the formative process of thoughts and thinking. It is specifically a disruptive agency working in the unconscious, causing a much needed change. All outside experiences are created by our thoughts; unchanging mind sets stick us in unchanging ruts in our life. Hagall can provide the necessary energy of transformation to break these mind sets and change our thought patterns. Moving us on where change is essential in life. Hagall informs that decisions have to be made in the now. It is a nagging energy pattern which will keep appearing in a casting until the outgrown mind set is realised and something can then be done about it. Hagall therefore has the ultimate effect of altering plans and bringing in unavoidable transformative changes in our life.

Personally, I acknowledge Hagall as an extremely powerful rune. It is a system and pattern breaking energy. It gives a portend that something has changed in the unconscious of a person and very soon some physical changes are about to occur, as action does always follow thought. Hagall shows that the sacred geometry has been changed slightly and our physical life will be adjusted in accordance with that new design. It is then my role to apply my extra sensory abilities to reveal to an often worried or anxious client what these physical changes will be and when. Also, how they will cope and why it has taken place!