Further Reading

Sunday 22 April 2007

More on the 'Kundalini'

The Kundalini has already been reviewed in previous postings, but, the following extracts from 'Tales From The Time Loop' by David Icke, act is further useful insights on this powerful phenomenon:

"True love does not always give the receiver what it would like to receive, but it will always give that which is best for it. So welcome everything you receive whether you like it or not. Ponder on anything you do not like and see if you can see why it was necessary. Acceptance will then be very much easier."

I had experienced a monumental 'kundalini' explosion. The 'physical' body is connected to its other energy 'bodies' beyond the five-sense domain by those spinning vortexes known as 'chakras' from the ancient Sanskrit word meaning wheels of light. We have these all over the body, but there are seven main ones. Each chakra represents a different level of being. For instance, the one in the solar plexus is the connection to our emotional level and this is why we feel emotions like fear and worry in the belly. We call it having "butterflies in the tummy" or "getting the shits", but really the sensation is coming from the solar plexus chakra. The chakras inter-connect with the physical body through the endocrine system and the vibrational
state of the chakra affects the body in infinite ways. The balance point of the three lower ('physical') chakras and the three higher (mental and spiritual) ones is the heart chakra. It is from here that we can balance the physical and non-physical levels of being and this is our connection to our highest levels of intuitive knowing.

A kundalini experience is when tremendously powerful energy is released through the base chakra at the bottom of the spine.

This process is described by Itzhak Bentov in his book, Stalking the Wild Pendulum: "The kundalini, as described in yoga literature, is said to be an 'energy coiled up, like a serpent, at the base of the spine'. When this energy is 'awakened', it enters the spine, rises up along it, and is seen or perceived as a luminous serpent by the person having the experience. Once it has risen into the head, the luminous rod hopefully pierces the top of the head; that is, the rod-like energy beam is seen as projecting through the skull pointing upward. When this happens, the person is said to be 'illuminated'. Eventually, such a person may become highly intuitive and develop some psychic powers, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience or healing abilities."

This is what happened to me. It was the cause of my ‘dam burst’ and the process began on the mound in Peru. The kundalini exploded up through my spine, activating all the chakras and my brain into a higher level of contact with the ocean of infinite consciousness. With that initial explosion came the apparent chaos in my mind as I was transforming from one energy state to another. It was this activation that caused me to suddenly see the world and myself in a totally different way and my mind was bombarded with information and concepts I could not process for months. I felt like a computer that had locked up because too many keys had been pressed at once.

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music." What they called madness was really transformation. Itzhak Bentov points out that the psychological symptoms of the more extreme kundalini experience "tend to mimic schizophrenia" and many people are sent to mental institutions because 'modem' medicine does not understand what is happening. He goes on: "It is ironic that persons in whom the evolutionary processes of Nature have begun to operate more rapidly, and who can be considered as advanced mutants of the human race, are institutionalised as subnormal by
their 'normal' peers
. I dare to guess, on the basis of discussions with my psychiatrist-friends, that this process is not as exotic and rare as one would like us to believe, and possibly 25 to 30 per cent of all institutionalised schizophrenics belong to this category - a tremendous waste of human potential." Bentov says that the diagnosis of 'schizophrenia' stems from the kundalini activation of other levels of awareness: "The reason for this is that they have been catapulted suddenly into a situation in which they are functioning in more than one reality. They can see and hear things occurring in our neighbouring realities, that is the astral or other higher realities, because their 'frequency response' has been broadened ... The onslaught of information may be overwhelming, and they begin to mix and confuse two or three realities."

My own experiences of the Kundalini follow the same descriptions as mentioned in the extracts above. The sensation of being in two seperate realities of self has been part of my life for decades. One part plays its role in this reality as actor and puppet to all the human emotions; taken in by the waves of experiences it has to ride. There is always a second part; a second voice which is there deep within my consciousness; 'everything is as it is meant to be; part of the experience'. This part of me is always calm, serene and contented. Which only adds to the frustration and the anxiety ... my outside human side falls victim to the scene around it each and every time whilst this 'deeper' part of myself is there in my consciousness telling the other part not to react; not to 'fail the test' again. If only the human part would listen! But yes, it does feel like having two personalities speaking at once; schizophrenia .... I've often thought myself to suffer from it.