The cycle of solar flares has increased rapidly from 1997 to the present day. The Solar Cult of the Reptileans have coincidentally created a measurement of time which synchronised their human year of 2000 with the maximum burst of solar flares in the cycle - cycle 23 as it is known. These solar storms of highly charged energy are likely to increase thunderstorm activity, weather changes, incredible auroral displays in the sky; extensive power cuts and satellite malfunctions. 2005 had been predicted as the year for the maximum number of minor storm days as solar cycle 23 was expected to go into a decline. [Up to date info can be reviewed at http://solar.uleth.ca/solar/] The biggest solar flares of this solar cycle were anticipated to be 10,000 times more powerful than those observed in the mid-90's.
This phenomena, plus the changing earth's magnetic field discussed in previous postings, are the REAL REASON for the dramatic changes in global weather patterns, which are becoming more and more extreme by the month. But 'we ain't seen nothing yet'. Aside from the deliberate attempts by the Elite to change the weather - which they can and have been doing with HAARP technology - enormous changes in climate patterns and extremes of weather are likely to continue to occur for the next few decades as the earth restructures itself and prepares itself for a vibrational shift. The earth [and ourselves] are being challenged to synchronise our consciousness and the physical expressnion with the rapidly accelerating frequencies now bathing this planet.
The 'Bollocks Brigade' (my name for The Elite or The Illuminati) are seeking desperately to hide these facts by blaming the weather changes on Global Warming - blaming us humans for a NATURAL CYCLIC OCCURRENCE!!
They hide too Nibiru ... Wormwood, 'The Crossing' ... the homeworld of the Anunnaki. It is Nibiru which is contributing to the increased frequencies; as it is a world made up primarily of Plasma energy. An energy force which penetrates all matter and shifts its vibrational structure.
There will be more spoken about this matter in future postings.