Further Reading

Monday, 16 April 2007

*** New Feature - RUNES - new feature - RUNES ***

Runes have been a personal favourite of mine for over twenty years. They have fascinated me. I began back in the 1980's with a set of Aquarian Rune cards, practising on friends to understand them. They were my sole divination aid. I respected the Runes, I still do to this day. Each symbol has become like a personal friend; each with its own personality. Each with its own tale to tell. However, through working with the Runes ... with 'deadly accurate' results in far sight and insight - I have 'devised' my own personal meanings. No runic symbol should have a static, two dimensional meaning. Each rune should be fluid in their meaning; with each meaning of each rune flowing into the energetics of other runes. In my own personal experience, stretching back like I say over 20 years, I have not found it necessary to study the history of the runes to a great degree. Working, living and meditating with the runes is suffice to learn the primorial imagery which are the runes.

From time to time, I intend to feature a RUNE SYMBOL and briefly present its meaning. More often than not the meaning will be that of a book or text book. However, I will provide an insight into my own meaning; my own experience with the individual rune when I see fit. The runes are individuals. Like our own interactions with other humans, where we can react differently with other people, so do the runes. I find that where I have a meaning for a particular rune and that interpretation works for myself; that meaning won't necessarily work for another person.

Therefore these brief introductions to the runes act as a doorway to present the Rune personalities here ... despite the fact there are countless dozens of web sites on the internet doing the same thing. My intention is to disperse the energies of the runes within the sacred space contained in A Light In The Darkness and add another dimension to the blog. The energies of the Runes, from my experiences are excellent at energy cleansing and energy shifting. They work well with energy blockages and eddies of energies. They can release stagnation and cleanse situations that have experienced the adverse effects of stagnation.

By doing this, not only am I cleansing the blog; I am cleansing myself; the energies of any readers and also to a lesser degree the internet itself. Though the later is rather an egotistical statement made by myself which is not my intention.