Further Reading

Friday 27 April 2007

The Orme

Related to Star Fire, and also known as The Philosopher’s Stone, the Elixir of Life, the White Powder of Gold, Ma-na or Manna -- is also an acronym for “Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements”. The phrase was coined by David Radius Hudson, who has done an enormous amount of research on the subject (of which he has in turn shared with thousands of others). The word ORME -- perhaps coincidentally, or perhaps not -- is the same as the Hebrew word which means: the “Tree of Life”.

The ORME represents a huge subject area, involving state-of-the-art chemistry, physics, and physiology, interpretations of
Sumerian, Egyptian and other histories (the Anunnaki, Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient World, the Adams Family, “Prime Directive” Violations, Chronicles of Earth, etc), philosophy, Sacred Geometry, the Tree of Life and Ha Qabala -- to name only the more obvious connections. In many respects, the ORME is the connecting link between all of these subjects -- as well as a whole list of other subjects not mentioned.
The Chemistry and Physics of
Monoatomic Elements, describes the characteristics of those elements which have come to be known as the “Precious Metals”. These eight metals include: ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, and silver (known as the “light platinum group”), osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold (known as the “heavy platinum group”).

These eight Transition Group elements, can in a monoatomic, superdeformed, high spin, and low energy state, lose their chemical reactivity and metallic nature -- thereby resulting in a state of
Superconductivity -- a resonant condition complete with Meissner magnetic field(s), Cooper Pairs, and electrons which have literally changed into light (i.e. photons). These precious metals have the unique ability to remain stable in the monoatomic form, which can then lead to effects ranging from Levitation (weight losses) to Zero-Point Energy applications to fundamental biological and/or human physiological effects.

Of particular importance is the fact that all of these precious metals have a strong affinity for and are almost always found in their natural state in combination with gold. Gold, in turn, has a history of being the most precious of all commodities -- a “spiritual tradition” which has survived countless generations!

On the scale of creating heaven, earth, Eden, mankind, and so forth, why is gold suddenly such a priority? If the science of the ORME is correct, gold, along with
Rhodium and Iridium (and potentially the other precious metals) may in fact be the Tree of Life. [Note that in this connection Genesis 2:5 - 2:25 is considered to be from an earlier source than Genesis 1:1 - 2:4, and thus may be alluding to a deeper meaning.]

Alchemy books talk about “the White Powder of Gold”, the Food of the Gods -- a substance derived from yellow gold, but which has been transformed into a white powder upon reaching its monoatomic state. This is the same form, and may be equivalent to the same process by which Hudson found all eight of the monoatomic precious metals.

For the alchemists, “The Master Work” was to prepare the Elixir of Life (bdellium?) and The Philosopher’s Stone (onyx stone?) -- or in more anecdotal, traditional terms, transmute lead into gold. [The latter is more likely a diversionary fabrication to mislead those with less lofty ambitions, and who have not been initiated into the Mystery.]

In the quest to accomplish this noble work, the alchemists of old taught that the key to success was to “divide, divide, divide...” The implication of this advice is that only in freeing the atoms of an element from the confines of its crystalline-like metallic structure of many atoms of the same or diverse elements, could one hope to achieve the alchemists’ esoteric goal. In effect, the alchemists were apparently attempting to reach the monoatomic form of the gold and the other precious elements -- even if they might not have described the process as such.

Hudson has also connected the ORME with the Hebrew tradition of the Ma-Na or Manna -- also thought to be the White Powder of Gold. Curiously, manna means literally: “What is it?” This phrase is found repeated over and over again in The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Papyrus of Ani [1]. The historical and philosophical implications thus include the ORME as part of the Melchizedek priesthood and the metallurgical foundry at Qumrun, where the Essenes were located.

Other references include the mixture of the white powder of gold in water as being “that which issues from the mouth of the creator”, and
The Golden Tear from the Eye of Horus. Hudson believes that Moses knew the secrets of making the ORME, and that the Ark of the Covenant was merely a container for the ORME. As a volatile, superconducting, electrical device, the ORME’s presence within would explain the incredible properties of the Ark; from levitation to “blasts of heavenly displeasure.” Later in the Escene tradition, the white powder of gold began being referred to as the “teacher of righteousness”, something which was swallowed and taken internally.

Source: http://www.halexandria.org/dward466.htm