'Riding is soft for a hero inside the hall, but it is more strenuous when he is astride a great horse riding the long-mile roads.'
Rad symbolises riding, the wheel and motion. It is esoterically the vehicle used to achieve something. Also, Rad is the road along which the wheel in motion must travel. Rad is the transformation of energies; a transference of spirit, matter or information from one place to another with emphasis on personal transformation. It symbolises conscious control of the factors which go to make up our wyrd. This can be accomplished by the positive influence of our consciousness on the wheel of fortune. Rad is also the channelling of energies in the correct manner to produce the desired results, with the emphasis being in the right place at the right time performing the appropriate act.
Personal experiences dictate that Rad is the rune of Magic and the magician. it is the rune of good omens. I cannot stress just how POWERFUL this rune is. Its effects work on a very subtle level. Whenever I witness rad appearing in a casting I know serious magic is afoot. That person's life has changed from the moment Rad appears. Rad is not to be taken lightly. Meditation by visualising the image of Rad can bring on remote viewing, far gazing and shape shifting. It is a powerful primeval energy which can be harnessed for the good and for the positive outcome.