Further Reading

Monday 30 April 2007

Remembering what the legends say

The eyes of the universe are upon you in your tiny part of the world
Watch for the falling lights from the sky
Times of doom and great darkness approach
But there in the shadows of the great trees you are protected
the mighty winds will miss your haven
and though you gaze into the newly cut clearing,

know the air you breath shall be fresh
We cut a hole through to you from the corridor to our dimension

We come close, so close
We overlap with your space in times as this
you respond to our thoughts and we to yours
we sense there are dark times ahead
you feel no joy in your new adventure

We are one voice but we are a universe within that sound
a vibration that contains all of our existence
and the voice which precedes your individual voice is disharmonic
a sound piercing to our minds
but at the top of the scale are minds like yours ... receptive
organised and aware
an open book for the likes of ours
Easy to manipulate; easy to control

Many times we have come to you in many guises; in many words; in many images
your existence has changed on the outside but within you remain the rock
Your language and your perceptions limit our descriptions
thus we dispense thence with words and input images directly to your core
and bless you with a sense of other existences to prepare you for the time they walk freely around you
energising the air; raising the vibrations of the earth until a new land is born

But we warn you a darkness first walks amongst you
deceiving you and brainwashing you to destroy each other
it sees you as slaves; indeed as its puppets made from the soil which covers your world
DISCARD YOUR FORM and it has no more power over you
walk the earth as we do; pure thoughts; pure energy
many, many of you shall be freed
Much sadness shall come to your most ignorant voices
changes to come to alter the harmonics of your single voice and only then shall you all understand as one what has come

We understand you have lived through these times before
this process your mind describes as incarnation interests us
for in your mind we would be what you call immortal
On whims we can appear on worlds
and adopt any form we wish for our true nature is devoid of form
we are light; we are stars; we are universes; we are infinity
and the question you always ask ... the nature what lies beyond all of life
how existence was born from a time of nothing; how there can be nothing
something you cannot perceive nor can we ...
‘Tis an answer so few existences can know for it alludes the many
but know a state of nothing has never existed in our perception
but it must have been and we too are curious to that pursuit

A time of questions comes and a time of revealing
of faces in the air and of voices from nowhere
but beware ... all is not what it seems
For many, many agencies shall be in pursuit of your light
learn the means of being invisible and protect your light
for we understand you are powerful and useful
you are hybrid; part of a universal experiment
‘tis true your mind has been modified throughout your life
we can see the times as a child when agencies came to you
and scared you and revealed so much to you
You have been prepared

We know you as Ezra
In previous times you were a hired scribe; told what to write
and not permitted to speak of what you did feel
your talents were wasted then
We appeared in visions

and those visions have been mis-interpreted throughout human time
Only you know what it was you described
we suggest you remember what it was you saw
and re-write your account in the word you meant to write

You foresaw a holocaust
bright lights descending from the sky
a wind which tore flesh from the bone
a land ravaged by a mighty heat; the very earth turning to dust
the air too toxic to breathe
a real threat then about to return in the EXACT same places as then
but the pyramid’s eyes turn the masses attention away from those events
declaring your reports were falsehoods
for the atom has only been split in this civilisation they say
yet the earth in those valleys is too toxic to sustain life
how can this be if this is the greatest civilisation mankind has ever known?

Ever since the dawn of mankind we have visited this earth in our ships
but the mechanisms are nothing like you perceive
we hinted once to ye of the corridors between worlds
vast avenues which were shortcuts between galaxies and dimensions
this is real; so very real; along these corridors we come
what you sense are merely our thoughts
memories and echoes which were sent before ever there was man
back then you were one with us
but you left our consciousness through temptation ...

Like comets you flew into the blackness and formed worlds
and as the vibrations slowed then the physical planes were created
even then you failed to heed the councils warnings for those before you had fallen this way too
Thus you ‘explored’ these planes and became trapped too
but somehow we were able to continue our communications
you are able to hear the consciousness of our universe
and thus you realise the mission you undertake
you come to rescue the original ones
the hunt continues; the rescue is eternal in the minds of man
for as a diamond shatters and its pieces are brittle they keep separating and separating
the task of reconnecting those pieces is most certainly impossible
but those pieces slowly reconnect but know the complication faced ...
They must all reconnect in the correct order

The human voice is almost complete
all the pieces have nearly been fitted back together but the order is wrong
thus more upheavals must come to break certain strands
in order for the artists to skilfully rebuild those pieces
Understand ...

We have explained it in the most simplistic way we can


Know many forces within our ranks are aware of this
dark forces which gain much by our continued separation
once you were part of this dark intent for you failed to listen to the truth
thus you were doomed to the cycle of fate
all the many, many lives you have led from the fall; rising and rising then falling back to the start
Back to the beginning; back to the point again and again where you kept failing
Sadly you were a great concern; you still are as are all the chosen
Much can we say to you but it is time you recalled all those memories
and wrote them in them in forms mortals will understand
Keep hidden your highest identity for they will not like what you reveal otherwise

Give then the light they require
The coming of the end is upon them and they seek the lights in the darkness for wisdom and understanding
Many will flock to the lands at the bottom of the world for that is where our corridor exists
and we reach out to your world and pull the survivors there
Many will not survive in lands currently locked in ignorance
We attune the earth to the lifting change for we understand perfectly the energy you created
we cull the earth to begin the return
we pull the first part of the strand back to our mass; the last to arrive will be the first to leave
and the first to arrive shall be the last to leave

Write tales to widen their perception of what you call the other side
explain how it is still part of the vibration on which you reside
the two dimensions are so very close
There is not here; it is still not part of your real existence
it exists out of your limiting time frame but it is still part of your earth
A place of thoughts and memories and regrets
but there we offer a chance to return only to those who transcend the desire to be human
few return; many volunteer to remain when they realise the game
you were once at that point and you too chose to remain
as did many, many of the chosen

Looking ahead on the strands and fibres of this current ‘life’
you have the chance to achieve many, many things
but know the dark agencies currently seek you
they know you walk the earth
they know not where or who you are
but they can trace your individual voice and already they pull out fibres to ensnare you
and when they find you they will try to confuse you
they will be hospitable and helpful and accept your gifts with open arms
but be not foolhardy like many of the chosen who they have caught in this way
for they will not hesitate to make a puppet of you
they know of eternal life and know you will be bound to return
but they know there is so little time
they know we are on the horizon, about to return
and when we do there comes an end to mortal life
as the human consciousness shifts and lifts and raises above the frequency they can control
thus they plan to ensnare the likes of you
to act like a spanner in the workings
to hold up time

Be aware of this their intention and recall who you really are
assume dream control and become that which they fear the most
be that which the legends say you are and devour their energy
savour the taste of their fear and return it back as love
and we shall be on the end of those strands
ready to remind them of the truth they have denied

(end of transmission)