Further Reading

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Teachings recalled? ...

And the ancient prophet said to the child,
`know your path and remain with foot form
despite the opposition you shall remain
stand your ground and let self belief overcome
don`t despair if those around you absorb the darkness
and expect you to change your tune
`Remain the way you are
with personality true and separate self dissolved
care not if others misunderstand you
and call you and accuse you of crimes they commit
`Stand firm, safe in the knowledge you know your path
you know your name and the seed you bear
Smile to thyself at they
Unknowing and ignorantly bold`

`Ruled by their ego shall they be
Lost in a storm, walking circles
Disconnected from source
The same source that nourishes your soul`

`Don`t expect fortune and fame
The path you walk shall lead you
and those close away from that goal
By way of protection and by way of hiding from the darkness`.

Understand child of the light?
Let the universe nourish and cleanse ye
While ye serve the source of all things
Safe in the knowledge you shall survive
and will be responsible for gathering souls
and making the meek and the chosen aware
Warning they of the darkness that has descended
The darkness that deceives and manipulates
The darkness that places its puppets in positions of power
and then brainwashes the human spirit en masse
Child, its is thy role to try
To attend to those who bear the light
To prepare and protect and to speak of thy prophesies
But know you cannot prevent what comes
Know too ones held by the darkness will come thy way and their false ego will anger you
Forcing you to compete and display the same negative traits as they
Refrain from participating
For the darkness shall pull you down and brainwash ye too
as surely as if of the darkness ye were born
For the darkness is so much stronger than the light
And know that is how it shall always be
It be as it must
So recall thy teachings and lend thy strength only to those who express light
Know child there will be more to be said
For the ancient prophets held you in their care for many years
Slowly these teachings shall be recalled
But only as they are needed
Patiently be aware ....

Wednesday, 17 October 2001