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Friday, 20 April 2007
A wake up call!
"This is just further proof that the powers that be consider us cattle -- albiet potentially dangerous cattle -- and that the slaughter of dozens or even hundres of thousands -- think Iraq -- is just business as usual for these guys.
And if you think the public school system, which also seems to want to turn the children against their parents, will ever be concerned about your children's safety, you are truly missing the point.
This is a powergrab, plain and simple. First create the problem, then propose the solution which, of course, makes the government more powerful and the citizen less so.
Now the big push for disarming the population coupled with media handwringing about how dangerous and quaint the Second Amendment is will start ad nausum. This will be presented as an "everyone agrees with disarming private citizens except nutcases who aren't patriotic" or some such nonsense. Like the War on Terror and the War on Us (Global Warming) get ready for the media blitz to shape the minds of the herd. It really is quite remarkable to witness with open eyes.
Maybe, for those of us who see what is happenning, this is a wake-up call. Yes, buy guns and have food handy. If even 1% of the population have guns and have the balls to stand up to the government agents when they come to put us into FEMA camps, that's 3 million people. The day may not be far off. These Black Ops are losing their punch and proving less and less effective. Soon they will have to use brute force to get us to comply. Soon. "
Comment by calmbutangry Posted here