Further Reading

Sunday 27 May 2007

The Biggest Challenge

All things 4th or 5th dimensional have a purpose ... or an objective ... they are not there for the fun of it.

How do you follow a trail which is not on this material frequency? Search for clues which technically 'don't exist' -- clues which for all intent and purposes are 'figments of the imagination'? Therefore a flights of fantasy and not real. How do you keep going along this road ... when the information you 'receive' is un-provable ... at least in the trails initial stages? How to keep going is the art ... the 'magic' ... the skill. The information is there ... available ... but it can only be accessed through areas of the mind which we are taught as being the 'imagination' ... fantasy, illogical ...
After many, many such trails; after so many similar instances with non-collaborated information, you learn to filter out that which IS fantasy ... that which is a false trail. That which your own mind has created. In these instances ... you have to rise above the doubt and the logical mind and remember all the other times you were in the same circumstance ... and further down the trail the information was confirmed and was proven to be correct. You live with the 'knowing' therefore the information will be collaborated; will be confirmed ...

It is what the years of experience are for. You learn to blank out all the distractions; all the side trails; all the deceptive tracks in the sand so to speak ... your awareness has tuned into a trail which becomes the main path ... and it is determined to reach the end of the path. Because at the end of the path ... is the 'result' or the objective. Or perhaps the very source which is the magnet which pulls your awareness along in the first instance.
All things 4th or 5th dimensional have a purpose ... or an objective ... they are not there for the fun of it. Once gripped on such a trail I know it must be followed ... it always leads to somewhere else. To a new threshold to cross.

That was then ... this is now ... one of the current trails has more importance than any of the previous ones. It has many loose ends; so many distractions. So many deceptions ... the biggest one being the opinions and the viewpoint of one of the world's most renowned deception agencies ...
Somehow I must rise to my biggest challenge and succeed.

There is something 'sinister' about the current trail. Something so simple to solve yet so difficult to comprehend ... 'the tree which is a tree but made to look like a rock'