Further Reading

Thursday 3 May 2007

Crop Circles :messages not meant for human eyes?

So, if an unknown intelligent agency is choosing to provide pictographic imagery in the form of crop circles. Imagery which depicts the 'how to make' guidelines for highly advanced technology including free energy, magnetic zero gravity devices and space craft ...

And the 'powers that be ' send mysterious black helicopters to ward off 'prying eyes' (because making hoax crop circles has failed to dismiss the interest in crop circles) ....

And the imagery is generally in a format that 90% of the population doesn't understand ....

It can only mean one thing?

The information contained in the crop circles is not for us 'Primitive Worker's. It is not meant to concern us 'test tube humans'. It is surely being sent to aid a faction which are trying to get off this planet? Perhaps to escape an imminent deluge or global destruction?

That is what all the clues point to in my view ....

It is not the romantic new age reasons that is assumed they are for? It is something mysterious, secret, ominous, scary even ...