Further Reading

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Daily Merlin: Quick Cards for 9th May 2007

Finally tonight. Inspired by the sound wave preset and a sense of an altered state of consciousness I sense my vibration has lifted somewhat ... I am aware of need and impulse and intuition ... and the facsimile implantation of quickly casting some cards to see what tomorrow could/may bring ....

Using The 'Navigator Of The Mystic Sea' (Kabbalah) Tarot:

Three cards: 7 of Wands (fortitude); Page of Wands (equivocation); 5 of Pentacles (adversity)

Refers to a personal level. Acquiring self respect in the face of adversity. Much work is there for the undertaking. Many opportunities lie ahead. To be the first day at attempting to pick up the pieces and climb on to the crest of the wave. To salvage what can be salvaged in the wake of a destructive tidal wave ... news or actions will be prompted that can help to take a step in the right direction. Planning ahead amid the torrid scorched landscape of adversity. New paths taken can only be temporary measures. Eyes and minds to gaze at more distant horizons for solutions which can not yet come into focus. Wands is magic and pentacles is financial ... magic is thoughts in the mind. Time to focus on the magic of the mind to bring horizons closer ...