Further Reading

Monday 14 May 2007

The Dumbing Down

I sit back and watch the world go by
It has changed in a pitiful way
All the human automatons
So ignorantly unaware of their stupidity
Dumbed down by the invisible hands
Poisoned by toxins and mind control
Their lives filled with less and less choices
Yet they truly believe their world is a wonderful place ...
I watch with tears in my eyes
And a burning rage in my heart
Glad to have had the freedom I had
Before the net closed in
And the children of today became the robot youth
All that once is now gone
Because what we once knew they will never know
Less wisdom, fewer choices ... enforced stupidity
The dumbing down of mankind is happening all around me
But so few are even aware
The toxic poisons, the mind control ... has blinded them too
One day soon ... it is likely to succeed in lobotomising me as well