Further Reading

Monday 21 May 2007

Food Additives - The Latest Directives

Food experts are advising parents not to give their children food and drink containing certain additives until a study into whether they cause behavioural problems is published in a few months. We ask the experts what the additives are and the types of food they're in, and look at problems they could cause.

This is a follow up report to one previously featured at MSN Health & Being and was discussed here on ALITD ...

Health.MSN.UK Article:
"Many parents try to avoid food containing E-numbers for their children, believing that such additives adversely affect their behaviour. Certainly, a Food Standards Agency (FSA) study seven years ago linked certain additives to children's behavioural problems such as hyperactivity, lack of concentration, temper tantrums and allergic reactions.

However, some of the colours are banned in Scandinavian countries and the US, and several food experts in the UK have advised parents to avoid foods containing them - such as many brightly-coloured sweets and fizzy drinks - for their children, at least until the new research is published. Ian Tokelove, a spokesperson for the independent food watchdog the Food Commission, says: "Many of the additives they're looking at are completely unnecessary anyway. They just don't need to be in children's food - there are natural alternatives, but the colourings are added to disguise bland colours."

Currently the health of our own boys (aged 12 & 14) is of major concern to me, these articles are of particular interest -- the first hand eye-witness account of the deliberate measures put in place by the Babylonian Brotherhood to 'dumb down' our kids. After all the current generation of children are the future for the planet. Subject them to chemicals which lobotomises their minds -- rendering them little more than mindless zombies -- and the Brotherhood has the foolproof way of ensuring total control of this planet in the future. Our boys are not even bothered about their health; they refuse to link their poor health, wellbeing and limited mental capacity to the food they eat. Despite regular lectures on the subject by myself ... I am unable to change their attitude (or their mother's attitude either).

I must therefore sit back and watch them get worse and worse -- becoming more and more detached from this reality; effectively they are being dumbed-down before my eyes and I am unable to prevent it without drastic measures. However, if I ban 'junk foods' in the household they will purchase them elsewhere -- in order to feed their junk food & sugar addictions. I'm sure a copy of the above article thrust in their faces will do little either.

I know for a fact I’m not alone in this ‘despairing vigil’. Parents all around the world will be witnessing the same – intentional poisoning of our children is a world wide phenomena with sweets, crisps, chocolates, burgers and the likes the Trojan horse with which the Babylonian Brotherhood peddle their lobotomising chemicals. ….