Further Reading

Friday 4 May 2007

Force fed with images of war

All is not what it seems ...
the children of the earth are being deceived,
On every silver screen in every room in every town,
and city throughout the world,
the moment by moment account of the world is relayed
from ‘live’ pictures there at the scene,
the places where the bombs explode
and the sacrificial lambs of two armies are killed ...

Reason has been laid to rest now ...
mankind has been metamorphosed into a collective ghoul
force fed with images of war in the name of ‘entertainment’
and the modern day marvel of instant communication ...
A stunt pulled before the eyes of the children of the earth by an agency of ultimate deceit

‘The war’ a major stepping stone, a smokescreen, a stage play ....
To deceive them all, to force their hand in accepting the relinquishing of their freedom
Overcome by an ancient evil, one that is the wood of the trees of human life ...

A toxic poison that flows like water through all of the children’s lives
An accepted fact, an accepted part of this ‘life’
Not what the ‘gods’ intended but one the so called ‘gods’ decree
Hand me down testaments received by madmen who claim visitation
rules of their gods the children of the earth must follow by,
yet when other children report visitations too ... they are disclaimed rigorously ...
by the scientific lunatics of the evil society ....

I see the deception and I read it well, but sadly none of the children will listen to me
for I am like a ghost in their lives, I shout but they will never hear me
I reach out and I will never touch them

I witness their torture through a pane of glass ... I merely observe
I am a watcher from their future ... I am horrified ... I have the power to end all of this
But I am powerless ... my hands are tied.

I see the fury unleashed ahead
This conflict the preceding events before worldwide mayhem
A demon of murder unfurling its wings, crushing the inhabitants of this world
As the power-mad, money hugging, men in power pull tight the noose on you all

I see fires falling from the sky, towers and buildings collapsing
Thousands upon thousands of lives lost in the rubble
as two sides attack and defend,
convinced by the faceless puppeteers their way is right

Two kings watching their pawns and their bishops and their queens and their knights
... all being taken; all becoming destroyed
For this is merely a game to the inhumane on this earth
Human life meaningless
... a bountiful supply of slaves and drones to provide their wealth
a sickness I can smell on the air and in the food ....

Five weapons in hiding to fight the power of the combined force of one
A knight’s head to be decapitated ... but not who it seems

Eight rods of earth built into a definite pattern ...
a ladder to climb like clear steps of a process to take
before a sun to appear in the sky ...
on its structure is written the name of the king ...
this plant will bloom

Ten lights nurtured from seed to appear in the sky ...
fragile lights to fall from a clear blue sky .. day not night
A weapon made from the ancient power of the earth to be unleashed
with many lights and vapour trails,
but only when the scales between the learned one and the oppressor is balanced;
against the weakest one ...