Further Reading

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Astral Assassins Lurk

Everything's much brighter; much lighter... I'm running at full steam ahead -- I've got the momentum and the snowball is rolling straight free of obstacles. The future is hopeful ... better than it was in the last few months ... all it needs is for a spanner in the works. The appearance of a black-cloaked apparition -- a dose of usual bad luck -- and the playing card tower will tumble down once more. Yet, why should it? This momentum is stunning ... ideas abound in my mind. I've directions I to travel and I've doors I wish to wander to; but few thresholds I wish to cross. Yet, the very action of wandering towards some of the more 'debatable' -- controversial & darker -- doorways might just release the 'dark brothers' onto me. Some type of 'astral assassin' lurks out there on the mental planes; or so legends say! beings which wish to knock the children of the light down a peg or too. Yet ... I am neither white or black -- a shade of grey with feet in both camps. I should be immune. I sit poised therefore a psychic attack to manifest but ... I try not to think about it in case it is a self-fulfilling prophecy!