Further Reading

Tuesday 29 May 2007


I am off to see a medium today.

Strange you may think, being married to one and having the ability myself. But this reading I will be having today is the result of a raffle prize win! Matt and I went along to see a local medium early this year, she was at a hotel venue close by to where we live. As we entered the room, we were handed raffle tickets, no 12 and no 13.

Ha, I thought to myself, no 12 will win!

As the medium progressed through the evening giving out vital messages to many people, I was aware of my father standing to my left, (he passed away in January this year) but I also knew that my dad would not come through with a message on that night. Sure enough he didn't. I also knew that I would win one of the 2 prizes for a free reading. I did.

Today is the day.

I had been aware of my fathers passing weeks before he actually died. I had been getting songs in my head for weeks, old songs, songs my Mum (herself a medium) had often sang to my dad in her younger days. I was clueless as to why. Then I had a dream of a beetle, this was a sure sign someone close in the family was about to pass over. Dreaming of a beetle was also a sign my Mum used to get in her dreams before someone's passing.

I KNEW someone was going to die but who??

It was the weekend after Xmas, and I was in a very sullen mood, not knowing why. I unplugged the phone as I did not want to be disturbed.

As I was sat in my favourite chair, I heard a unfamiliar womans voice in my head asking me "Your dad wants to know if you still have his ship in a bottle".. I didn't know who this woman was or why she was asking me about such a thing!

I mentally replied " yes I do still have the ship in a bottle and it is here in my dining room and YES, I am looking after it"

Again, I overlooked all the signs. Not once did I stop to think WHY my father was asking about this! Oh I should have known!

Anyway, the morning of Jan 2nd, (New Years day in UK) I woke up with songs in my head and my first reaction was " Oh these are songs normally sang at a funeral"...then my sons mobile phone rang (I still had my phone unplugged), it was my sister telling me she had found my dad dead at home behind the door that morning (new years day)

I immediately knew then why I had been getting all the signs, the songs, the beetle, the message about the ship in the bottle...but sometimes, we as humans, just overlook these things!

I think it has taught me a lesson though, from now on, I will never ignore signs again!