Further Reading

Monday 7 May 2007

The Merovingian bloodline

By David Icke

One of the key human-reptilian 'royal' bloodlines later became known as the Merovingians, who were known as sorcerers or "priest kings", just as the pharaohs were in Egypt. The Merovingians were the royal line of a people known as the Sicambrian Franks. Francio, who gave his name to the Franks and died in 11BC, claimed to be a descendent of Noah (Sumer). The Franks called themselves Newmage or "the People of the Covenant". The Egyptians also believed they were the chosen people and had a covenant with God, a theme transposed by post-Babylonian Levite scribes to the Egyptian 'Israelites'. But for 'God' read reptilian 'gods' (The Anunnaki Enlil ?? MJ) . The Merovingians/Franks can also trace their bloodline from ancient Troy and the Trojan Wars, up through the Caucasus Mountains into what is now France, a land to which they gave their name.

Once again the Caucasus, this bloodline melting pot, was involved. At one time the Sicambrian Franks settled in an area west of the Danube and were known as the Scythians, whom the Romans called "the genuine ones" ('The Sidhe' MJ).

Legend says that Merovee, the founder of the Merovingians, who died in 458 AD, was seeded by a reptile and this bloodline is related to every royal family in Europe and a stream of others in positions of influence and control. The founding names of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were both Merovingian bloodline and that's why the Mormon-controlled state of Utah has a beehive at the centre of its seal. The bee or beehive is an ancient symbol of the Merovingian bloodline, as is the fleur-de-lis, so beloved of British Merovingian royalty. The hive is the symbol of the queen bee, the Illuminati reptilian goddess at the heart of their symbolism, and it also relates to the 'hive' mentality of the Reptilians that they have been seeking to transfer to humans.

Genesis says that the Danites did not have a known genealogy and were not related to the early
Israelites.75 They were a sea-faring people (the Danuna or Denyen to the Egyptians) and many settled in northern Europe. The names of Denmark (Danmark), the River Danube and Ireland's Tuatha de Danann or "People of the Goddess Danu", would seem to be expressions of the Danites and this is one reason why there is such a North African influence in Irish history.

The Egypt-Sumer-connected Phoenicians made the same sea journeys as the Danites and they were almost certainly the same people. The Danite colours were red and white, just like the Phoenicians, and these are the colours of the Knights Templar that has its famous red cross on the white background displayed as the flag of England or the Flag of St George. This is a Phoenician deity called George of Cappadocia in what is now Turkey, the same country as Troy.

The Merovingians were supposed to have died out long ago, but in reality only the name disappeared, until recently, and not the bloodline. The genetics continued with the King of the Franks called Charles, more famously known as Charlemagne, to whom 34 of the 43 US presidents and so many other key figures are related. He vastly extended the Frankish domains and ruled as Emperor of the West in the papal empire created and controlled by the bloodlines descending from the Roman Empire. These in turn, descended from the royal lines of the Sumer Empire, Babylon and Egypt, who descended from the Atlanteans, Lemurians and the hybrid interbreeding programmes. Charlemagne was a contemporary of the Khazars.

The Priory of Sion ("Tsion" in Hebrew means mountain or desert monument - Zion) claims to be an elite secret society created in the twelfth century to serve the Merovingian bloodline or "Le Serpent Rouge" (the serpent blood). It says it was very closely connected to the Knights Templar who were officially formed at the French city of Troyes, named by the Sicambrian Franks (Merovingians) after their former home in Troy.

Prince Paris from the Trojan Wars stories also inspired the name of the French capital city. Another of the key figures in Illuminati genealogy is Alexander the Great, an ancestor of Charlemagne and all the major Illuminati families today. Alexander descended from the Viking peoples who settled the Mediterranean and the Aegean after the cataclysms and may well have become the white peoples of the region, including the Danites. Alexander ruled Troy at one stage and, before he died in Babylon in 323 BC at the age of 33, his army had seized control of an enormous region once ruled from Sumer. This included Egypt, Mesopotamia and into India. He founded the city of Alexandria in Egypt and, as he was known as the "Serpent's Son", Alexandria became the "City of the Serpent's Son".

Once again we see the recurring theme. The legend goes that Alexannr's real father was the serpent god, Ammon, and this mirrors the story of Merovee, founder of the Merovingian dynasty, of whom a similar origin is given. The Merovingians have been linked with the bloodline of 'Jesus' by a number of books, not least those by Royal Court of the Dragon promoter, Sir Laurence Gardiner. But the 'Jesus' connection isn't necessary to make the link between the "dragon bloodlines" of Egypt and Sumer and the Memvingians because they were transported to the Mediterranean region, Asia Minor /Turkey and elsewhere long before the era associated with 'Jesus'. The Illuminati are not going to have only one strand of the bloodline that is so important to them. The 'Jesus' bloodline is only code for the Babylonian/Serpent bloodline, anyway.

Throughout history, the Reptilians have perpetuated their 'purest' bloodlines by marrying as closely as possible to their own genetics and through the secret breeding programmes. It is important to remember that these bloodlines do not just breed through their official partners. They have stunning numbers of children out of wedlock. These offspring are then brought up with names that are different to the major Illuminati families like Rockefeller and Rothschild. So when one of these children, called Clinton, Roosevelt or whoever, enters a position of power, the people do not relate them to the elite families because they have a different name. But, and I can't emphasise this enough, they are the same bloodline. This is how they hide the tribe, the reptilian genetic network.

Taken from 'Tales From The Time Loop'