Further Reading

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Nibiru and the Anunnaki

In recent years, there have been many speculative writings about Planet X, which is also known as Planet Nibiru. Most of these writings are based somewhat on Zecharia Sitchin’s book, The Twelfth Planet. Sitchin, like Velikovsky and Darwin, used his respective theories to support his claims. A question arises: Is Nibiru real? The answer to that is a resounding "Yes".

There are those who believe that the Anunnaki of Nibiru are coming back to Earth soon. They believe that Planet X is going to pass by Earth, in May or June of 2003, on its 3,600 year orbit around our sun. Such believers are terrified of the consequences that a close pass by Nibiru might bring. They fear this will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, severe flooding, food shortages due to climatic conditions, diseases, meteor fire storms, volcanic eruptions and the like. They are afraid that it will result in a great catastrophic infliction of loss of life on Earth.

Planet Nibiru (Ne.Bi.Ru) is known by many names, such as: Planet X, The Twelfth Planet, Marduk, Paradise, "Heaven" and the "Kingdom of the Heavens" and etc. in various cultures. Although Nibiru has been called The Twelfth Planet, technically it is not a planet of our solar system. In fact, it is a planet from another solar system and the star that was the sun of its solar system has been extinguished. Nibiru was never visible from the Earth but the star which was the centre of Nibiru’s solar system was visible in the skies from Earth. The orbiting pattern of Nibiru gave the Anunnaki the advantage of having a mobile observatory from which they could observe and investigate many other planets near its orbit.

The early people named Planet X as Nibiru in Sumerian, and Marduk in Babylonian. It has been said that the ancient Mesopotamians believed that Nibiru was the twelfth planet in our solar system and that it was "heaven" where their gods resided and came from.

Nibirians, the people of Nibiru, are often referred to as Anunnaki, Nephilim, Elohim (plural for god), and Mardukians. I shall refer to them as Anunnaki as this is what the general population was known as by the Sumerians and by those at the present time. The word "Anunnaki" literally means "those who came from heaven to earth". In the Old Testament these "heavenly" visitors are called "Anakim".

Nibiru was populated by a reptilian super race and governed by elite aristocracy known as the "Nefilim" in Hebrew, which means "they who have come down from the heavens to earth". The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS".

The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave.

The Anunnaki are flesh-and-blood, biological beings with abounding pride, arrogance, uncontrollable urges for adult and child sex partners (whether they be willing or forced participants), and they have a great appetite for conquest and control. This warlike race has an insatiable thirst for control of other beings and dominion over other races, and the less privileged classes of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki developed and imposed complex, oppressive cast and gender systems. They are misogynists. That was why they eliminated the worship of the Divine Mother of the early people on Earth whom they conquered when they arrived. There was so much resistance to the elimination of the worship of the Divine Mother that the Anunnaki set up replacement "mothers" for various cultures such as the ‘earth mother’, ‘mother nature’ and thereafter further corrupted the Divine Mother’s image by falsely attributing Her with lustful, vengeful and jealous qualities. The interpretation of Kali is one of those false attributes.

Due to a great collision, the Earth and the planets and moons of our solar system were severely affected. Nibiru too suffered great damage as a result of this celestial collision. This caused the Anunnaki to come to Earth in search of a permanent home. They did not come to search for physical gold, as Sitchin hypothesizes. Oddly, gold is not a native mineral to Earth, so the Anunnaki would not be expecting it on Earth. Nor did they come to Earth to mine for gold to make a shield to protect their ailing atmospheric conditions on Nibiru (If they did, they did not succeed in saving their planet, because their planet was destroyed). What appears in space is really the shadow of Nibiru, many light years away. However, the Anunnaki were delighted to find gold on earth because they used it for ornamentation. They also imported many slaves to mine the gold, and they used many of the Anunnaki lower classes to do the same.

Since their home, Nibiru, was destroyed, the Anunnaki Elite and their cadre of attendants were forced to become transient, with the majority of them living in a huge spacecraft (like a city) that orbited the Earth. By then, the other Anunnaki races were already placed in different worlds that they had conquered, including Earth, Mars, and the rest of our solar system. They were also interspersed throughout the Orion and the Pleiades systems. Thus it can be seen that the Anunnaki are extraordinarily powerful and they were feared by many. The Anunnaki Elite and those who were permitted to travel moved from the orbiting spacecraft in smaller shuttlecrafts to visit Earth below. They also sent freighter class crafts to Earth for commercial and military purposes. Inter-planetary slave trade was prevalent and lucrative. It is no wonder that the ancient people feared their gods who they claimed lived in the sky.

The majority of the earthlings now are genetically and symbolically part of the off-planet civilization of the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki Elite of Nibiru are genetic manipulators who know how to create artificial life forms. In their arrogance they tried to play God. Their highly advanced technology and their overbearing size and strength made them nearly invincible in the eyes of the early people. Thus, the Anunnaki Elite were seen and worshiped as gods by them. The Anunnaki Elite have sometimes been referred to as the Nordics or Blondes. They are tall, robust, full of vigour, athletic and usually of fair complexion. Their symbol of status and power is the winged disc that represents their home star ZAOS. These Anunnaki Elite were later known as Elohim and Nephilim. These evil Elohim must not be confused with the Divine Elohim of the True Creation.

The Anunnaki Elite (the Nephilim) created many religions so they could be worshiped as gods; this gives them great satisfaction. The Anunnaki developed religions by corrupting any spirituality they observed in the indigenous people of the Earth. They employed religions as a powerful means of controlling the indigenous people. Different religions were set up with doctrines in direct opposition to one another in order to breed disharmony, distrust, confusion, war and arrogance.

The Anunnaki planted hybrids from other worlds on Earth when they came. Not long after their arrival, they began to spread themselves as far and as wide as they could and took control of sections of the planet by genetic engineering. They forced the indigenous people out of their own establishments and forced them into total submission. They used the indigenous people for controlled experimentation of biological breeding. Today, there are aliens who abduct earthlings for cloning and they also mutilate animals. Most of these abductions and assaults are carried out by Anunnaki Remnants (a term I use to indicate those Anunnaki who were stranded on Earth).

The Anunnaki first visited the Earth about 500,000 years ago. By then, they had already conquered the Pleiades and Mars and many other worlds.

After some trials, the first wave of successful genetic engineering occurred on Earth about 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki introduced many alien races that they had conquered and implanted them on Earth. They also kidnapped a special race called the Race of Women and brought them to Earth. This race of women suffered greatly under the suppression and abuse of the Anunnaki. Various alien races from other worlds were brought to Earth to be used as slaves by the Anunnaki Elite. They also kidnapped aliens from other worlds and brought them here as slaves. Some were sold for hard labour, some for sex, some for soldiering and etc.

Through genetic engineering, women were made physically inferior to men in stature, strength and speed. Even in occupations where strength and speed are irrelevant, such as in the clergy, law, medicine, politics, commerce, science, etc., women are greatly disadvantaged and obstructed from participating even up to this day. This shows the extent of the chauvinistic influence of the Anunnaki. Apart from genetic engineering on humans, there was also similar work carried out on various species including the birds, reptiles, fish, beasts and plants. The Anunnaki also practise bestiality. They created monstrosities, some of which are legendary, some were half-animal, half-human, others were half-bird or half-fish and half-human.

The Genesis story was created and recorded by the civilization that was re-started by the Anunnaki. The Sumerians were amongst the earliest ones to possess recordings on tablets describing the history of the Anunnaki on Earth which was in accordance to what the Anunnaki dictated.

The advanced civilization of Sumeria did not evolve over many, many thousands of years. Instead it was dressed up almost instantly by the introduction of many facets of civilization by the Anunnaki, including – legal system, social order, economic models, religions, science, mathematics, weights and measures, writing, literature, music, the performing arts, cosmology, painting, sculpture, astronomy, astrology, medicine, animal husbandry, domestication of plants, homeopathy, culinary skills, art, entertainment and etc. Sumeria became a civilization that other backward societies envied and feared.

About 35,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon man took over the Earth from the Neanderthal man. The Anunnaki Elite murdered the entire Neanderthal population after they had finished using the Neanderthals as specimens for genetic experiments. Homo sapiens were the result of the second wave of genetic engineering. This second wave allowed the Homo sapiens to procreate with the civilian Anunnaki.

As time went by things got out of control, with monstrosities abounding and many half-human half-beasts were running amok. In the heyday of Atlantis, there was space travel for the privileged classes. Teleportation was also common in those days for the privileged classes. As the Atlantean "slaves" became more and more advanced, they began to disobey their "gods", the Anunnaki Elite. This concerned their masters. Thus a decision was made by them to destroy Atlantis. Some of the Anunnaki Elite and their chosen attendants fled the Earth in huge spacecrafts and went to other planets, such as Mars, and even to other systems. Most of the Anunnaki were left behind. Upon fleeing the Earth, the Anunnaki Elite blew up Atlantis and destroyed it, hoping to kill all of the remaining Anunnaki and the rest of the inhabitants.

However, some of the Anunnaki slaves discovered the plans of the Anunnaki Elite to destroy Atlantis. Some of these slaves were able to escape before the destruction, taking with them some of the knowledge, artifacts, technology, writings, weapons and culture of Atlantis to various parts of the Earth.

Another reason the Anunnaki Elite decided to blow up Atlantis was because they were under extreme pressure from the investigation of the Attas (the Amoebic Rescuers of the Light who are like space-patrol). The Anunnaki Remnants who escaped Atlantis began constructing cultures which we now know as Aztecan, Inca, Mayan, and most importantly the ancient Egyptian. There are many Anunnaki on planet Earth today. Some are the descendents of the survivors from Atlantis who escaped before it was blown up.

After the destruction of Atlantis, the third wave of genetic engineering performed by the higher classed Anunnaki Remnants took place about 20,000 years ago. One group of Anunnaki Remnants built the pyramids by employing massive amounts of forced human labour and advanced technology. These sites were used as launching pads for spacecrafts for the privileged classes of the Anunnaki Remnants.

The early Egyptians who built the great pyramids and the Sphinx were also Anunnaki Remnants from Atlantis whom the Anunnaki Elite had intended to annihilate when they destroyed Atlantis. When they returned to Earth after destroying Atlantis, they saw Anunnaki Remnants’ cultures.

The rulers and kings of various cultures were usually appointed by the Anunnaki Elite. When the Anunnaki Elite fled and the Anunnaki Remnants took over, the Remnants adopted this pattern of appointing kingships. This is why many cultures, including the Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian and Western European followed the order of the divine right of kings.

Thousands of years ago, when the Anunnaki Elite returned to Earth planning to re-start their dominion on Earth, they were surprised to find the Anunnaki Remnant cultures blossoming. This concerned them greatly as they thought they were losing control of the Earth to their former slaves.

In desperation, the Anunnaki Elite set upon re-taking control of the Earth. They did this by causing a deluge which catastrophically destroyed almost all evidence of the former cultures. Only the huge monuments such as the Sphinx, the pyramids, the Ziggurats, etc survived the flood. Nearly all the huge monuments around the world were created at the behest of the Anunnaki Elite or later, the Anunnaki Remnants.

Fearful that there would be Anunnaki Remnants left after the deluge who could rapidly re-construct the culture, especially in Egypt, the Anunnaki Elite took the tremendous risk of selecting an area of the Earth onto which they could instantaneously deposit a culture that would be far superior to that of any tribe on Earth. This emergency plan was executed in Sumeria.

Sumeria developed almost instantaneously because of an extremely urgent situation. The Anunnaki Elite were losing influence over the Earth to the Anunnaki Remnants of Atlantis who had escaped, amongst other places, to Egypt and to the Americas. These Anunnaki Remnants were developing the Egyptian, Aztecan, Mayan and Inca cultures and could attain dominance if left to their own devices. Therefore the Anunnaki Elite took the extreme risky decision to create a super culture complete with written language and records in Sumeria.

At this point, the most powerful of the Attas of the Light interceded and captured a great number of the Anunnaki Elite. Many of the Anunnaki Elite fled the Earth yet again in their spacecrafts and returned to Orion and the Pleiades systems. These once proud and "mighty" Anunnaki Elite are now nothing but fugitives cowering in hiding.

The Genesis story was used to control the people and to force them to worship the Anunnaki Elite as gods from the sky. The story of Genesis is not the story of the True Divine Creation. The story of Genesis is in fact, very recent when compared to the scheme of things, so how can it be a creation story?

There were already various groups of races of aliens and earthlings on Earth when the Anunnaki Elite first took control of a portion of the Earth. There were battles among the various groups for supremacy, but the Anunnaki Elite were too powerful for them. The Sumerian tablets record events of so-called origins of man and creation that were really events of the beginning of the Anunnaki Elite’s latest colonization of the Earth. The conquerors themselves wrote the tablets. Thus, what was recorded on the tablets by the Sumerians dictated by their so-called gods, was self-serving. Through past experience, the Anunnaki had seen how religions could control the populations of various worlds. This is an important tool that they use for control.

The Old Testament is dedicated to Yahweh. It is very male orientated because the Anunnaki were extremely upset with Mother Goddess worship and wanted to eliminate any mention of Her. The Old Testament acknowledges the presence of many Anunnaki "gods" on Earth in early times. The Genesis story is about the spread of humankind through generations following Adam and Eve and the story of the "divine’s" disenchantment with humankind that preceded the deluge.

In the Sumerian texts there was mention of the people of the Shem (meaning spaceship). The Anunnaki were the people of the Shem, and they came down to Earth and copulated with primitive earthlings. This is recorded in the Genesis story.

The Anunnaki Elite also started a new, highly advanced culture in Babylon. As always, they destroy cultures and murder the populations whenever they get out of hand, then they re-start elsewhere.

Today the Anunnaki Remnants are planning to re-establish the "majesty" of bygone days when the Anunnaki Elite had a complete tyranny over the Earth. They plan to re-start the world again. The Anunnaki Remnants, with the help of humans as well as the incarnated Anunnaki in human bodies, have built massive underground bunkers and railway lines that are a part of their structure for allowing them and their cadre of attendants to survive the catastrophes that they believe the fugitive Anunnaki Elite are planning for the Earth. They cannot leave the planet in spacecrafts because they were left with limited resources after the Anunnaki Elite escaped with all of the technologically advanced spacecrafts.

The Anunnaki Remnants think that they can select their own chosen ones (like their masters did) and take refuge with them in underground bunkers during the period of catastrophes. They plan to take a whole garrison of "slaves" underground. These will include soldiers, police, fire fighters, cooks, entertainers, beauticians, doctors, scientists, etc. In the aftermath, they will use them on the surface, as before. Most importantly, they will use their own new breed of clones to populate the Earth. The Earth population is being programmed to accept this underground scenario as can be seen in movies like Deep Impact. These Anunnaki think that their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, will be returning as before, and they also think that they will have pleased them with the way that they have influenced the Earth.

But the Anunnaki Remnants’ plan has been thwarted. Their evil desire to destroy much of the life and the culture on the surface of the Earth will fail. In the aftermath, they expect to find the Earth inhabited with only a relatively few survivors whom they would easily subdue with the weapons, technology and military forces that they secured underground during the catastrophes. They hope their masters will restart all cultures with themselves deified and served by the people they plan to enslave.

The ones chosen to continue in their new civilization are humans and clones who have specially chosen characteristics for blind obedience. They think their masters will once again be the literal gods of the world.

The Anunnaki Remnants are now amongst us. They are our current puppet masters who manipulate and control the world. At present, the cloning of humans, animals and plants are common activities with these aliens in our midst. This diabolical scheme is not known to the general public and it will be vehemently denied by the world leaders and their minions.

Thus, for a long, long time the Earth has been a planet run by slavers!

The Anunnaki on Earth are awaiting reinforcements from their masters, the Anunnaki Elite who escaped temporarily to other solar systems when the Attas were after them. However, the reinforcements will not be coming to Earth this time because the Attas have restricted their reinforcements, so the existing Anunnaki on Earth are stuck.

The Anunnaki Remnants are confused by the clearing of the planet by such means as global warming, volcanoes, fires, wars and etc. They thought that these are the signs of the return of the Anunnaki Elite to Earth. However, they are now beginning to suspect their masters cannot get through the Light’s security and so the Anunnaki Remnants are becoming terrified to the point that world leaders are now irrational.

Already there are those who are so deluded by the programming of the Anunnaki Remnants that they are saying things like "this Earth is a prison but it can be turned into a paradise". The Anunnaki have incarnated in human forms. Some are also in the astral. The Anunnaki have great influence over the astral world also. Many messages channelled today are deceitful messages from the Anunnaki.

(abridged version. Read full original version below)

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