Further Reading

Tuesday 8 May 2007

OHM 1 and other thoughts

I'm currently running a Brainwave Generator preset I have titled as 'OHM 1':

Voice 1: 136.1 MHz
Voice 2: 239.0 MHz
Voice3: 358.0 MHz

This is instead of the presets 'Delta 1', 'Delta 2' & 'Deep Delta' which have been preceding me crashing out at the end of busy days.

The intention here is to find out what the effect of these higher frequencies have on my sub-conscious prior to dream work ... 136.1 MHz is the frequency of the Sun/light/warmth/joy and the two remaining 'voices' are actually unknown variables which were intuitively added weeks ago to produce this preset.

In recent days there has been little in the way of disruptions or astral activity. No profound visual facsimiles. Nothing untoward which is quite unusual. It doesn't coincide with a new residence ... as there has been activity reported in the past few weeks. No phenomenon is very untoward believe me ... it is as strange and as noticeable for me as sudden activity for someone not accustomed to it!

Therefore ... it is time for me to wander out and find ... to be the seeker on the astral ... Already the frequency combination is making me aware ... changing my state of consciousness. There is upper consciousness activity ... I sense some biochemical or endoctrinal activity ... my heart is beginning to pound ... as it becomes the dynamo perhaps for what I've experienced at times as 'the second vehicle' ... in decades passed I've often raised my own vibrational rate at this point and had a pins and needle like energy surging through my arms and hands ...

I sense a lift and shift in my vibrational rate. Something I glean to be necessary. Intuitively I'm aware that an agency has dropped my vibration to a level where I am not aware and not connected with dimensions. Either for malevolent or benevolent reasons I cannot tell.

I just know it is necessary for me to raise energy ... and to lift my vibration out of the low 3rd density back up to where I know it can go ...

Interesting now ... there is a flutter of discernible movement to my right. I anticipate some form of contact later in dream state... for the past few nights I've been playing 'Desert Moon Song' audibly in the room as I drift into sleep. It is a very potent piece of music which combined with the delta presets has pushed me into a deep sleep ... which has not been devoid of projections ....

I intend a 'dream diary' to form part of the blog at some stage. The problem with it however is usually the number of separate projections I have and can remember ... it has always been too time consuming in the past to keep a journal of this kind ....very little of the projections are symbolic besides ... they are usually journeys to actual dimensions and meetings with actual humanoid entities ...

I will try however to report anything untoward which occurs later this night ....