Further Reading

Wednesday 23 May 2007

Police put 100,000 innocent children on DNA database

The revelation a year ago that the details of 24,000 innocent youngsters had been stored on the DNA database brought widespread alarm.

Daily Mail, says:
"The number of innocent children placed on the Government's vast DNA database for life has quadrupled in the past year to more than 100,000, it has emerged. The astonishing increase, which follows a controversial change to the law, was described by opposition MPs as an "extremely sinister development". It will fuel concerns that police are targeting for arrest youngsters who have done nothing wrong, simply to get their hands on their DNA."

Something IS 'extremely sinister' in this development for sure ... the 'what' they are going to use this database for. Remember, the analysis technology which is now available to the Babylonian Brotherhood funded agencies is a thousand light years away from what is ever revealed to the general public. The Babylonian Brotherhood agencies are once more targetting the future of mankind -- the children. They are tracking the bloodlines and DNA genetics which are currently out there; they are subsequently analysing what the children will be capable of ; what will be activated within their DNA/RNA structures – so they can therefore adapt their clandestine counter-measures to prevent these future generations from breaking down the mental prison which the world's population is being prepared for.