Further Reading

Wednesday 30 May 2007

Sssh .... want to know a secret?

They see all the conspiracy theories on the internet and generally do nothing at all but watch and wait

The power's that be -- those who have a secret agenda -- those who decide our future for us -- what conspirators would have us believe all the "Lizard Men' -- 'The Babylonian Brotherhood; The Illuminati; The Elite ..... they test their 'future intentions' by sending out disinformation through cyberspace. They are fully aware of the network news which is one of the realities of the Internet. They know because they invented it for that purpose. They are behind many of the so called 'New Age' and 'Alternative News' websites .... it is an ideal scenario for them -- 'test the waters' of an imminent policy or plan by casting 'underground news' out into the world --- then they watch to see how we all react to it all.

From our reactions they can then see what level of opposition they are going to encounter when it comes time to actually impose their will on us.

They see all the conspiracy theories on the internet and generally do nothing at all but watch and wait ... they will only do something about it when someone gets too close to the truth....