Further Reading

Thursday 24 May 2007

Star Children - The 'New Humans'?

Dr Richard Boylan, an American behavioural scientist, anthropologist and clinical hypnotherapist, has studied Star Children phenomenon and their connection to close encounter experience. He offers a precise profile of the New Humans and our intimate connection to extraterrestrials, or Star Visitors as he calls them

He explains that the Star Child maybe defined as a child of both human and extraterrestrial origin. The ET contribution to the child's make-up may come from genetic engineering, from biomedical technology and from telepathic consciousness linking. Star Kids are psychically and metaphysically changed as a result of their own contacts with the 'visitors' or ETs modifying their parent's reproductive DNA.' He also believes that there is a link to what we now label Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), a syndrome which almost magically appeared about 15-20 years ago when more of these children began to be recognised.

There are numerous accounts where the contactee or experiencer recalls details of their genetic material being harvested. Dr John Mack, former Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School wrote about the subject of genetic material being taken in his book Abduction. Many abductees, both male and female, recall experiences when this procedure occurred. Some women also believe that their genetic material has been taken and altered in some way prior to their pregnancy. They say they knew the child was different or special because of this. What is astonishing was that many of these children seemed to have an awareness that they were different.

What are these differences, apart from higher physical and psychological functioning? Generally they are enhanced psychic and intuitive abilities, with an awareness of universal knowledge and even their true genetic origins. 'I am not yours' implies that some Star Children are aware they are connected in some way to the extraterrestrial beings who visit them.

Star Child qualities

Highly intelligent.
Often very creative.
Developmentally advanced in reading walking, talking, etc.
Psychic/intuitive abilities.
Multi-dimensionally awareness; they perceive a broader range of reality.
Telepathic abilities.
They sense and feel energies from people or other living things (aura reading).
Telekinesis, etc. Moving objects with their mind energy and thought.
Awareness of scientific, historical, anthropological and spiritual knowledge not consciously learnt. Sometimes called 'knowledge bombs'.
Awareness of past lives.
Extremely empathic to all creatures, not just humans but animals and plants.
They can communicate with the unseen world, spirits and angels.
Multi-dimensional healing abilities.
Manifest unusual artwork, languages and scripts.
They experience dreams where they are being taught how to use their high sense abilities on space craft.
Dual consciousness; feeling part human and part extraterrestrial.
Have a sense of mission or higher purpose.

Some of the older Star Children are able to explain their abilities and ET connections more precisely.Star Children can be aware of extraterrestrial educational programs when information is downloaded on a subconscious or super-conscious level. Many have described this process as 'knowledge bombs' in their head, which sometimes hurt. They can have strange dreams where they know they are on-board spacecraft. They are taught to use their higher sense abilities and they know when they have done well at such tests. It also appears that many of the children know about their mixed human and ET gene pool.

Star children are born with greater wisdom and awareness, and are also gifted creatively. They have a great feeling of being connected to nature and all that exists. They are the bringers of the new, the bringers of light, they are here to guide the awakening of terrestrial consciousness.' So, if the new humanity is already here, whatever we choose to call them, how is this awakening of terrestrial consciousness orchestrated? The answer may well be contained in the creative expressions and data connected to contact experience.

Source material: Mary Rodwell