Further Reading

Sunday 6 May 2007

The subconscious mind sees what the conscious mind doesn't

Even for those who have been aware of the power of subliminal suggestion, it is still shocking to see how easy it is, and we are being bombarded with this stuff minute by minute every day. The idea is to implant suggestions into our subconscious which filter through to the conscious mind as a decision to act or buy in the desired way. With advertising, the subconscious instruction can be triggered into conscious action by seeing the product on the supermarket shelf.'

'Here’s an example of what I mean. At first appearance, this holiday advertisement looks innocent enough. But now look at the relationship that the people have to each other and the sexual theme is blatant and not even subtle. The conscious mind would not normally see it, but the subconscious absorbs it all.'

by David Icke
Read More on his web site ...