Further Reading

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Then A Sad One

Matt and I along with another medium friend were doing a psychic fayre. Matt stood up to do a demonstration of mediumship. He was drawn to one woman in particular. He gave her some messages but felt she needed it to be more private so he moved onto someone else. The woman asked to come back later in the evening for a private reading. When she arrived with another woman, Matt asked if it would be ok for me to join in and do some psychometry.
She agreed. Very quickly we had picked up on her husband in spirit who had been tragically killed in an explosion. Now in life, he had been a bit of a joker, and in death he was still no different. He told me that they had 5 children, 3 and 2 he said.

I asked the woman if she had 3 boys, 2 girls.

Ok. have you 3 girls and 2 boys then?

All her husband would say to me was 'work it out' I have 3 and 2! After lots of guessing by me, I gave up! The woman eventually told me they had FIVE girls, 3 girls then the youngest 2 were twins! Ah! Then he told me that he had bought a pink bike for one of his daughters birthdays, he went on to say that he saw the bike, but didn't see the bike! I thought, 'Oh hello, here we go again, cryptic clues'.. I repeated exactly what he had said to the woman. I told her I wasn't even going to try to understand what he meant. It turned out that he bought the bike in July for his daughter, he was killed the next month in August and her birthday was actually September! So he meant that he had seen the bike but hadn't seen her receive it for her birthday! I also said that he looked around 40, and he quickly told me that he was younger! oopppss...but his wife said that he had always looked older than he actually was! He hated that! I then turned to the woman who had come with his wife and told her he was saying to me "Hello 'our kid'"...She burst into tears. Although she was older than he, she was his older sister and he always referred to her as 'our kid'.

It is one reading that stuck in my mind because it was the most emotional one ever. We continued to give the wife as much information as would come through, wishing her well for the future and even told her that another man would be in her life in a few years time and her husband would make sure of it! The reading ended with us all in tears it had been so emotional.