Further Reading

Saturday, 19 May 2007

This is very scary - Microchipped population on its way ...

Microchipped Population: The chip, made by the VeriChip Corporation, is only the size of a grain of rice but can transmit an ID number to a scanner allowing money to be taken from clubbers' bank accounts - Jane Croft FT.com

I, like most of us who are aware of the approach of the microchipped population which is to be the future of mankind on this planet, watch with alarm at the progress of the VeriChip Corporation technology. Advancements which can be seen to be the 'countdown to doom' for mankind and its freedom on this planet. The select few in the Babylonian Brotherhood know the end date for this their final triumph .... 'the one world government, the one world army, the one world bank and the microchipped population which David Icke has been warning us for over a decade now. I never doubted David; it made perfect sense, so I was not one of the many sceptics who belittled his claims ... so it was no surprise to witness this end result unfolding before my eyes in the post 9/11 days. It appears too late now to prevent it. The populations of the world appear to have been rendered apathetic and lobotomised so they are not aware of the consequences of their blaise and naive acceptance of microchipping and the advent of a cashless society. Like lemmings to the slaughter they welcome the chance to have tiny little chips below their skin if it means they can buy their favourite drink a little faster; or purchase their next mobile phone without needing cash or a credit card. Are we now that far gone not to care anymore? Can we not see that this acceptance of this dangerous technology has been wrenched from our consciousness by enforced manipulation of our cognitive processing? We've been systematically poisoned with additives in food and in the water supply for decades ... and its accumulated effects are now beginning to take their toll. There is a piss poor number of us, it seems, who are going to refuse this technology ... and are going to fight its implementation in our lives the whole way ... until law enforcement makes it that it is 'a chip or die' scenario. I for one will take the 'or die' option, because after all there really is 'no die' anyway ... unless of course the hijackers have similar planned on the next frequency level of this virtual universe?

Imagine my horror then this morning when I did my usual surfing of my favourite sites. I saw this:

Prison Planet:
Extract: "The Association for Payment Clearing Services, the UK industry body, forecasts that in less than a decade fewer than half of all payments will be made by cash."

"Until now, cash has been king. Other methods have been too slow or too expensive for small ticket items with values of less than £10," she said. "But contactless payments are much quicker than cash. If you're buying a coffee or doing a grocery top-up, speed matters a lot."

It appears we are already too late. It's going ahead at full speed. The snowball is rolling and mankind seems to be so dumbed down to really care. The dumbing down appears to have broken out onto the surface now ... and it is a sad fact I feel like an actor in a film where all my fellow-actors are playing the roll of mindless robots. The wanton digestion of additive-rich junk foods and drinks is in full swing around me. Can I get the truth across to these hapless fools here ? Can I buggery ... they merely look at me with glazed eye and decry my concerns.

So, where do we go from here when all seems lost?