Further Reading

Wednesday 2 May 2007

UFO Technology part 1

Ok. I've been reading about them for years. I've witnessed a few myself over the years. Waded through hundreds and hundreds of pages on the subject and I've formulated my own theories on the phenomenon of UFO Technology.

In my view UFO technology DOES exist both on and off the planet. Developed by both human and non-human intelligences. There are too many genuine sightings and too many potential worlds out there for us to be alone. Plus, there are also infinite frequencies and dimensions in the universe for Earth on this vibration to be the only bearer of life.

One of the biggest 'clues' as to the UFO phenomenon is the return of the 'planet' Nibiru - The Crossing. It is linked to the Anunnaki who, in the Sumerian texts, were space travellers who'd perfected the art of space technology. With Nibiru so close again, it is likely the Anunnaki (the Nibiruans) are again visiting this planet in their droves. The resource collection will still be an ongoing concern for them. As will their premature evolution of Homo Sapien. We are a real concern for them, as they are responsible directly and indirectly for our development and introduction into the Universal community.

The Anunnaki have NEVER left this planet since they returned after the last great deluge (the biblical flood). They will have established extensive space port facilities on the Earth and will have been anticipating the next return of their homeworld, Nibiru. Most of their technology developed here on Earth (and also retained on earth) will be for short flight missions only, so they would be unable to fly to Nibiru until it reaches its closest distance from earth (about now). So for the past 3000 or so earth years they've been preparing for these 'end times' to leave this world and to also reunite with their own kind.

However, in saying that, I feel strongly they will have mastered the ability to travel the universe via wormholes etc and so ... their craft will also be involved in these type of space missions (as will other Universal species ... which explains the UFO's that suddenly appear and reappear I feel).

I feel strongly there is extensive earthbound UFO technology taking place at this moment in time. Perhaps the Anunnaki who remained on this planet have recovered the means to build craft in order for them to return back to Nibiru once it comes close enough. Perhaps also direct blood line Hybrids have devised the means to build UFO technology (from back engineering craft from other races visiting earth to witness our 'evolution' for themselves) so they can leave earth before the next deluge strikes. The Anunnaki will be well aware of the imminent climatic dangers approaching as Nibiru gets every closer.

There might well be other factions on the earth working in collaboration with the Anunnaki who wish to escape earth too.

I've seen sufficient evidence to know that Mars is inhabited. Far fetched to the sceptics on this planet I know, but I am sufficiently open minded not to be conditioned by the mind closing dogma which is the 'accepted science' on this sad planet. There is without doubt a visiting faction from Mars who make up a percentage of the visiting UFO technology. Anunnaki aided factions of Elite Mankind itself will have space technology far in advance of what is revealed to the public; these factions may well have stations on Mars too. This too me is an escape plan for when the next deluge arrives.

So there are many angles from where UFO technology can come from. I cannot therefore dismiss the growing phenomenon. It seems more likely and more probable that there are UFO's than there not being. The mystery to me is more who the pilots are and why the governments still insist on hiding the phenomenon? The more they keep denying and the more they keep hiding it, the more weight is place on their being UFO's.

Having extensively read translations of ancient texts which clearly report the existence of UFO technology back in 'ancient times' ... I can only conclude that UFO technology has always been here. It has never gone away.

**'UFO Technology Part 2' will research the 'UFO creators' in more detail***