Further Reading

Friday 11 May 2007

Virginia Tech: Revisited

Various comments from Blogs & conspiracy sites which are still carrying this tragic story of deceit and American Secret Society agency killing innocent Americans in their pursuit of a New World Order ....

"A few, brief late-to-the massacre observations about Virginia Tech. First of all, I think it's necessary that we admit the possibility that sometimes a lone nut is just a lone nut. Mental illness is not always induced and simulated, and people can be complex and screwed-up enough in their own right to imagine reasons for going to the slaughter." (Rigorous Institution)

"all official narratives are always just stories." So, when we come to episodes like V Tech, perhaps it's legitimate for us to deconstruct them as episodes. We should ask, Who wrote this?, and Is the storyteller also the director?

We should try out different scenarios, and see which makes the best sense of the action and the characters. We have an interpretive edge because we know other scenarios exist. Most viewers - and let's admit it; that's all most of us are to such scenes - are content to be told what they're watching, and don't own the responsibility to interpret events, or even to remember what they've seen before.

Within 30 minutes of actually sitting down to read about the incident, I had already seen enough. At first, I was looking for—and found—indications of trauma induced mind control (Crytogon)

Most people (unless heavily trained and highly skilled) suck with handguns. For example: Recent LA police shooting: 112 rounds fired from close range, nicked the suspect (who was NOT shooting back) once. So you’re telling me this college kid, a troubled loner, fatally shoots 32 people with a 9mm Glock 19 and a .22 caliber Walther? Was he a professionally trained assassin?

Using approximate numbers, he killed 30 and he winged 10-15, so at worst he killed 2 out of 3 that he shot. That seems like a pretty damn good kill rate for an amateur. Hell, I suspect it is a pretty good kill rate for a pro also.

Take a closer look at 37 people killed inTasmania, Australia by a professional marksman with semi auto rifle. All firearms specialists say that he was among 1% of top world marksman to kill that many peolple with head and neck shots from the HIP. Of course the event was blamed on some weird ex hippie loner who happened to own semi auto rifle. All professional detective work has indicated that only Israeli marksman were using the same kind of rifles and bullets. Enough said. If you do not believe please read about it on www.reclaimaustralia.net

No amateur pulls off what this guy did - - he was a professionally trained assassin somewhere . . . unless you fire an automatic hand gun often at the target range and are very familiar with firing it the tendency is for a jam to happen when multiple rounds are shot by an amateur (check it out for yourself - - one of the reason revolvers are generally better for self defense for people who do not go to the range on a regular basis with their firearm is they will get at least those rounds off without a jam while an automatic will often jam after the second round when it has not been broken in by firing many rounds etc).

This whole thing timing wise etc. is very, very suspicious - - we are being controlled by a small group of psychopaths at the top, The Order etc. and we know that the “intelligence” agencies, following the Nazis with MKULTRA, have been working on this type of manchurian candidate programming for years. The fact that the school was “warned” etc. is a great cover . . . Truly a great tragedy for these families as with the poor families being murdered in Iraq and across the world by conspiring psychopaths . . .