Further Reading

Friday 4 May 2007

Who and what is Chiron?

By Martin Lass

A native American prophecy states that when the planet of Healing is discovered in the sky, the ancient sacred warrior teachings will return to the Earth. In 1977, Chiron, the Planet of Healing, was discovered. (Chiron is a cometary body orbiting mainly between Saturn and Uranus.) Chiron's issues and affairs concern health and disease and their relationship to our spiritual journey through life. Chiron says that health and disease, dysfunction and disorder, are our teachers. They are homing beacons towards our Return to Spirit, towards greater wholeness, consciousness, Truth and Love. Orthodox medicine and psychology approach dysfunction from the point of view of symptoms and their root causes. Chiron calls the root cause, the Wound. Orthodoxy seeks to fix, correct, cure, or get rid of our Wounds. Chiron says that there is nothing to fix, correct, cure or get rid of. Chiron says that the Wound contains a Gift and that the Healing journey is the process of discovering that Gift. The Wound is Healed when the Gift is embraced. Chiron's issues, affairs, lessons, and messages are mirrored in the mythology of its namesake. Chiron in the myth was the centaur--half horse (animal) and half human--who was wounded in the leg and subsequently pursued a vocation of healing under the guidance of Apollo, the god of Light.

As Chiron's message unfolds, we begin to see that Healing is not just about health and disease, but encompasses every area of human endeavor and human expression, from astrology to medicine to mythology to quantum physics. Chiron takes us on a journey through our Darkness, personally and collectively, seeking the Light, in search of the Gift in the Wound

Chiron Astrology

Chiron, in the natal chart, points to the place of our greatest Wounds—the things we feel are the most missing, wrong, unjust, painful or lacking in our lives. In this place, we harbor bottled-up negative emotions, traumatic memories, past life issues and ‘rooms’ within us where we either fear to tread or that we would rather avoid, ignore, condemn or banish altogether.

However, hidden within this place of Darkness lie all the balancing sides of the equation—the benefits, blessings, lessons, Gifts and Service of each and every one of our issues. Through the Darkness lies the Light. When we try to avoid the Darkness, the Darkness persists and blocks our way. Inherent within the Wound itself lays the Healing path. As we approach the Wound, so its hidden aspects are illuminated, allowing growth, transformation, Healing and evolution of consciousness. If we understand the principles involved, each person’s Healing path can be clearly seen in the natal chart.