Further Reading

Thursday 10 May 2007

Who's in the 'One Billion Left on earth ' club?

Well I suppose that's final then! Another circulated report that mankind is to be culled down to 1 billion. The world Elite are planning to decimate human kind as part of its evil plan for this world! Or so we are led to believe by the articles which are appearing on Conspiracy sites at the moment. Below is the latest one to appear on www.uncensored.co.nz.

"Apparently, saving the whales is more important than saving 5.5 billion people. Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant intervention to stop whalers, now warns mankind is “acting like a virus” and is harming Mother Earth. Watson asked the question “The Beginning of the End for Life as We Know it on Planet Earth?” Then he left no doubt about the answer. “We are killing our host the planet Earth,” he claimed and called for a population drop to less than 1 billion. I've seen this banded about the internet for a while now, this 'magical' figure of 1 Billion."

It is either perverted & cruel disinformation ... or it is intentional 'chicken feed' ... or it is deadly facts. But whatever ... there is an Elite agency out there wishing mankind to know about the '1 Billion Left' club. There is something ominous and scary afoot. Something very 'grand plan of the ages' like with these reports on the net. Or is there? Let's face it, the Elite will be more than aware of us Conspiracy Theorists putting out these notions onto the internet. There may well be an element of conspirators who are 'disinformationalists'. Putting out information deliberately to mislead. This latest batch of sensational statements could be part of this movement. But then again, it may be reverse psychology ... the conspirators will put the information on behalf of the world elite as a 'look at what they are going to do' stance ... which will have factions like myself remarking that it is likely to be disinformation ... when in fact it could be the truth!!! Basically us conspiracy theorists could be doing the Elite's work for them! Perhaps that's why there has not been a ban on Internet postings! Perhaps that's why we are allowed to continue?

Maybe though, this information has been deliberately 'leaked out' through these channels to 'warn mankind' by a benevolent faction of the Illuminati (but then what can we do about it?) or perhaps it is put out in this way as a malevolent 'gloat' as the world elite know we cannot do anything about it? It is wheels within wheels .. I suppose the only way we'll know if it is true is if it happens. If it doesn't ... it'll be a relief to have this 'theory' put to bed ... you can guarantee that 'common mortal man' will not be permitted membership to this exclusive 'One Billion Left on earth' club? The Illuminati will have perused its data banks on the human bloodlines and know already what bloodlines are permitted to survive? They after all know where we all are and who we all are? Right?

Or is it perhaps it is on a par with the Anunnaki 'God' Enki 'warning' Noah on the eve of the great deluge? History repeating itself once more. With Enki taking the side of the Primitive Workers who's 'population has grown out of hand and their numbers are now too great to control'? With Enlil ( the biblical god and also the Devil ... his Alter-ego) atop the Illuminati pyramid passing the instruction to 'exterminate' via his 'religious leaders'. The black pope and the Jesuit black magi carrying out his orders, pressing the mind control buttons to initiate their puppets? Declaring it all 'the will of a kindly god'??? I await some sort of declaration from the Vatican to decree that it has been sanctioned that mankind has to be culled!

In truth it's time this net of black magic deceit was revealed and the 'primitive workers' rightfully entitled to accessing the higher dimensions as all other life forms in this universe have. The imprisonment should now be over ...there's been too much skulduggery for too long. Too many secrets currently existing on this world. Too much denial when so much has been found to be truthful . Before the poisoning takes another turn onto another more dangerous level, it is time for mankind to rebel ... before the chemtrails kill us; before the fluoride and other chemicals labotomises us totally. Before the poisons in the food and the water supplies take effect. Before the accumulated toxins kill us. Before the actual exterminations begin ... we need to take action. Some chance ... when most of the population think the likes of me and fellow conspiracy theorists are totally cranks who are insane! Some chance when so many of us have been subdued by the astral abductors who handle us. Some chance when we have all been programmed into the '9 to 5 living with colour in our tie' which we all have to endure to survive. Some chance when the majority would not risk their jobs and their financial positions if it means they can't repay their mortgages and their loan repayments ... the Illuminati have us well stitched up and we have only ourselves to blame!

I expect there will be more of these doom and gloom reports to come as we get closer to 2012 as the pressure builds and builds with the material darkness closing in around us fully. It's impossible to see a nice rosy picture forming with all the malevolent influences the Illuminati has on us. I perceive that the Illuminati don't really care that we are aware now more of what is going on ... because after all, how can we stop it? So I and others are seeing the pieces slot together, what can really be done about it? I'm not a defeatist just a realist ... if there is indeed plans to cull down mankind to one billion ... how do we stop them?

Ideas please ... comments please ... we need to consolidate our minds on this serious issue ...

I need to write more on this critical matter in the weeks to come. It is after all linked closely to the Global Warming scam which the Illuminati are attempting to pull. All the pieces are slotting into place perfectly now... a clear picture is forming, either by design or arrogance it is becoming much clearer.