Further Reading

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Do we really live in The Matrix?

You have heard of 'star-stuff.' We are star-stuff. The same molecules in us are also found inside suns. This, again, is a big misconception. The real motive for such a philosophy is to eliminate the idea that an INTELLIGENCE was behind our genesis. They want you to believe that everything is natural. Nothing is farther from the truth.

I recommend a read of the full article 'The Artificial World We Live In' by Doug Yurchey from which the following extracts have been taken. It is very thought provoking and similar to the themes already outlined in ALITD ... the style of the author is very compelling; it is well written and it touches on many, many valid points that are controversial to say the least; and certainly challenge the conventional scientific establishment ...

"The Universe is unreal. Life is unreal. Nature is not natural. Do we really live in The Matrix?"

"We assume the world is natural; that everything just happened, naturally. Schoolbooks teach us that the entire Universe just BANGED into existence. Scientists assume that stars and planets came into being by dust and debris coalescing or concentrating over eons of time. Educators tell us that Life came into being on Earth through natural forces. They say: We humans are simply natural by-products of the world around us. We crawled out of the oceans; we evolved into primates; we stood erect and developed into modern creatures over extremely long periods of time...so say the evolutionists."

"We assume the educators know what they are talking about. We assume the anthropologists are correct because 'that's their job and they're the experts.' We should question traditional conclusions. We should realize that scientists, in general, believe what they do for one main reason: They want to differ from and oppose Religion"

"You have heard of 'star-stuff.' We are star-stuff. The same molecules in us are also found inside suns. This, again, is a big misconception. The real motive for such a philosophy is to eliminate the idea that an INTELLIGENCE was behind our genesis. They want you to believe that everything is natural. Nothing is farther from the truth."

"We ARE products of intelligent beings in the Universe. Another article that one might consider is called 'The Purpose for the Human Race.' We are strangers on Earth. Our ancestors landed here and made this planet their home. We are also not the creations of aliens. Aliens did not accelerate the development of natural, Earthly primates. We came from HUMANS. These prehistoric, human ancestors are not the ones you are familiar with. They (we) were once spiritual, super-tech GODS. But, we have drastically fallen from that greatness and grandeur."

"The point here is to state that the Universe is not just gas and dust and debris. It is not outrageous to believe that the cosmos is filled with Life. What if the Universe itself is an artificial construct? Where scientists see only lifelessness; there could be life. What we believe is natural, could be artificial. Out of ignorance, we may be viewing the Universe the wrong way. Maybe the truth is: The world is unnatural. It was all MADE or manufactured by intelligences far beyond our comprehension a very long time ago."

"Let us examine celestial objects in our own Solar System. We do not have to look far in our search for cosmic artificialness. The Moon might not be natural. It is too large. The only other planets with similar sized moons are the GIANT planets of Jupiter and Saturn. Great Saturn only has one satellite close to the size of our Moon (Titan). Venus is similar to the size of Earth and is moonless. Mars has two, small, irregular bodies as satellites."

"The Moon contains rocks older than anything in our Solar System. The Moon does not fit with the rest of the planets and satellites. Could the Moon have been BROUGHT IN? (in the last days of Atlantis?)"

Let us look at this closer. If the Moon sped up or slowed down in its orbit over eons of time, then the synchronization would be destroyed. If our big, lunar companion were to increase or decrease its axis rotation over eons of time, the perfect in-sync relation is ruined. If the Earth changed in its rotation or revolution over the ages, then this precise/gyroscopic LOCK disappears in a puff of smoke. The point is the phenomenon of the Man in the Moon is not some bold Law in the sky. It is a fragile clockwork where so many NATURAL factors are involved that would result in throwing off the relationship. Yet, it remains. Something is maintaining the precision over numerous millenniums.

"Could an ancient machine or device be purposely compensating the lunar rotation and revolution to keep this unnatural planet/moon system going as is? Why would someone want one side of the Moon to face the Earth? The reason is the only planet that we know for sure has LIFE also has the perfect observation platform. From the far side, aliens, humans-with-the-technology or any higher intelligent ETs could operate secretly. Radio-silence of the Moon would block all broadcasts. It is logical to assume that SOMEBODY uses or has used the lunar far side. It is the perfect place for an observation base. It is too perfect. Our monitors from the Moon could be numerous alien races and the Feds, all working in secret."

"Covert transmitters may be operating on the lunar far side. Also, the special relationship between Earth and Moon might be necessary for FIXED transmitters on the near side of the Moon. These theorized transceivers could be very ancient. They may possibly NEED the in-sync situation in order to function from fixed positions."

"Scientists say we are 'gravity-locked' with our Moon. Gravity-Lock is a myth. Astronomers had to come up with some natural explanation, no matter how unfounded. If G.L. exists, why aren't all planets gravity-locked with their moons? Why are we different? The astrophysicists cannot answer these basic questions; yet we are to believe their NATURAL answers. The Moon, in every way, is an anomaly. Luna has artificial structures. The Feds are operating, in secret, on the Moon and even on the planet Mars. We have not returned to the Moon because we are covertly there. Please read the article 'Secret Bases on the Moon and Mars.' There have been reports that the Moon has slight weather. Question the party line of a lifeless Moon and Mars. What THEY tell us on the media might not be the truth."