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Sunday, 3 June 2007
Animal Totems: Present Situations
Sunday 3rd June 2007
Using the Moon Lodge Spread
'There are more roots than branches'
A spread which is a mirror of the unconscious -- a tool to aid in uncovering that which is hidden. To rip away the veils of lies & deceptions which are present.
The Central Card
Power shield; the card of the circle of knowing the within.
BEAR - Bear medicine is the power of introspection; it lies in the west of the great medicine wheel of life. Seeker of the sweetness of truth within the hollow of an old tree. In winter it enters the womb-cave to hibernate and to digest the year's experiences. To be like the bear it is necessary to attune to the Eternal Mother and receive nourishment from the placenta of the Great Void -- the place where all solutions & answers live in harmony.
The North Card
Inner wisdom not yet recognised. North is the place of wisdom and knowing.
WOLF - Wolf is the pathfinder. The forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine. The wolf has keen senses and has the moon as its power ally. The moon being the symbol of psychic energy or the unconscious which holds the secrets of knowledge and wisdom. Wolf medicine empowers the teacher to come forth and aid the children of the earth in understanding the great mystery of life
The East Card
The whirling spirit card. The key which unlocks the spiritual nature.
RABBIT - Rabbit medicine is fear; the fear of tragedy, disaster --- what is fear the most becomes reality. A sign of worrying for the future; a need to exert control over that which has not yet come in to manifestation.
The South Card
New growth; the seed card. Here is expressed the true feelings and reveals hidden emotions regarding the situation
GROUSE - The sacred spiral -- the oldest known symbol of personal power. The spiral being a metaphor for personal vision and enlightenment. Transcendence to higher states of awareness can be attained by repetition of this sacred movement. What kind of reaction has been created by the energies sent into the universe?
The West Card
The Dream-within-the dream. Leads to the real purpose. Is the vision a true product of introspection...
SNAKE - Transmutation. Snake medicine people are rare; initiation involves experiencing and living through multiple 'snake bites' which permits them to transmute all poisons - be they mental, physical, spiritual or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of creation for it embodies psychic energy, alchemy, sexuality and ascension. There is a need to transmute some thought, action or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. It is heavy magic -- but magic is no more than a change in consciousness. Transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire ....