Further Reading

Saturday, 2 June 2007

Chiron - The Wounded Healer

Upon his death he was placed in the heavens as The Archer, Sagittarius, as a reward for his wondrous work on Earth.

In mythology, Chiron (pronounced 'Ki ....ron') was a centaur who's father was Chronos (Saturn) and was conceived when his Father had a secret affair with Philyra, daughter of Oceanus. Chiron was born half man and half horse (symbolic only -MJ), which revealed to all, at the time, that his father had been unfaithful. His birth took place in a cave on Mt Pelion. The place he spent most of his life in later years. Within the cave, he devoted most of his life to healing, music, astrology and the Esoteric. Unlike the rest of the Centaurs who were restless, drunken and troublesome, Chiron was a very gentle soul. In time he became teacher to many of the great heroes of the time. To Archilles & Asclepious he taught healing and surgery, so they could tend to the fallen after battle. He taught Astrology to Hercules. Among the many others who visited Chiron on Mt Pelion to hear his great wisdom, were Jason, Acktaoon & Peleus.

He taught countless heroes not only to sharpen their wits, but also to clarify their minds through arts and philosophy. His teachings included the theory of the spirit rising through the habitual and animalistic mortal realm into the imaginative realms of the ethereal.

His Wife was the Naiad, Charicles. To Chiron she bore a powerful daughter, Thea. Who in later years became a feared Prophetess and visionary. Chiron was brother to Hades (Pluto) and Zeus (Jupiter).

Chiron became wounded when his close friend Hercules accidentally fired a poisoned arrow into his right ankle on a hunting trip. Though Chiron was a powerful healer, he was unable to heal himself. Because of his immortality, his mortal wound proved to be a constant sufferance to him. Thea prophesised his eventual death and release from this constant torture. To overcome the pain he had to forego his immortality, heal then his mortal wound as if he were a human being. His transformation from immortality to man was performed by Poseidon. Upon his death he was placed in the heavens as The Archer, Sagittarius, as a reward for his wondrous work on Earth.

Chiron is usually associated with the Tarot trump, The Hierophant. Because he was wounded he was able to heal others of their wounds because of the pain he carried himself. The principle being simple -- most human beings bear a sore spot. A pain they bear with them through their lives. Through empathy of others, Chiron was able to heal others of this pain because he bore and understood the pain himself. This is the principle of 'Empathetic Healing' ... a healer able to counsel and heal others who bear the same wound as they.

Chiron spent his life trying to find other's with the same injury as him so they might heal him of his burden.

Taken from 'Chiron - The Wounded Healer and The Chironic Force' by Matthew James