Further Reading

Thursday, 7 June 2007

It's marvellous this!!

Whether you Believe........

In the spirit world or not, I can only believe.

As mentioned in past postings, my mother was a medium. Not by choice I may add! To her, it was a curse. In those days, people frowned upon it, looked at you oddly, avoided you etc...so she was always wishing 'the voices' would go away! Of course, they never did.

She married my father, a non believer!

Throughout their marital years Mum was always 'making predictions' and thinking out loud.

My eldest sister had a very close friend, Carol. At the age of 16 Carol met this boy and they started dating. When my Mum saw this boy, she froze in horror at what she 'heard'. She told my sister to try to get Carol away from this boy..not easy telling a 16 year old to leave their first boyfriend! But my Mum had 'seen' Carol on a blood soaked bed, dead.

This scared my Mum and she spent most of her life wishing she could be 'normal'.

Carol continued to see the boy, he was one year older just 17. He bought his first car, a mini, passed his test and they would often go for drives. One night he lost control of his car, hit a lampost, Carol was in the passenger seat and took the full blow. She died in the ambulance...age 16.

My Mum tried everything to block the dreams, premonitions, voices....but couldn't. My Dad used to laugh at her, even when all of her predictions came true..he still laughed. He was convinced it was just 'pure guesswork'. Or my Mum just mad!!

I was born later, some 10 years after my older sister...I was born with a veil or caul as it is also known. It is the membrane surrounding the baby...or a microwave bag as my sister likes to call it!!

My Mum knew that this was a sign that she was not going to be 'different' to the rest of the family, she now had one more like her!

I suppose I had what I call a 'normal' childhood, I was used to my Mum and her predictions, it was as natural as breathing to me. However my Dad was still a non believer. He was a hard nut to crack when it came to psychic matters! Dad always knew I was 'different' to his other 2 daughters...as years went by, he learned to adjust.

It wasn't until I met Matt in 1997 and 5 years after my Mum had passed, that between us we managed to half convince him that there really was a spirit world! He kept on repeating "It's marvellous this"...whenever Matt made a prediction. In fact, he had him reading all the old dears in the Sheltered Housing where he had gone to live!

We kept on giving him little snippets of information regarding the spirit world and Mum. Each time, his belief was being challenged.....he had spent all his life disbelieving....now he had to believe......he couldn't stop saying "It's marvellous this"...It became his trade mark!

My Dad passed away in January, well December 30th actually....and who do you think keeps coming through....Yes..My Dad...and his favourite saying....."It's marvellous this!"......

Now we are the ones laughing!

He finally believes it now!

How marvellous is that!!!