Further Reading

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Path of the Chameleon

Where to now?
Where does this trail lead ...
Onwards ... seemingly covert
Hidden after the image of the moon
I see that path before me
I traced its thread under the silvery light
But now ... where?
In turns in apparent circles
It breaks seeminly like a quicksilver globule
All pieces sent scurrying
All with a life of their own
No matter what alchemical art is employed
Their chemistry is no longer the same
'Never the twain shall meet'
Nor are they meant to meet
Ahead I see now the chameleon
Perfectly blended into the scene
It is the follower of the trail
Its telltale signs are there before me
But ... it confuses
For its path is that of circles
It's role is deception ...
So what now?
How can I follow the trail underground?
-- Matthew James --