Further Reading

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

The Seeker Never Sleeps .....

Today is driving hard rain and wintry chill; only adding to confusion on the trail. Part of me remains with the Hawk, soaring high above the enslavement. Another part endures the humdrum monotony which is experienced within the mundane 'primitive worker' day. I remain dedicated and determined to prevail. Still I carry the suspicious eye and permit its gaze towards those likely perpetrators -- the unknown hands I see in my mind's eye.

Something probably significant caught the attention of the Hawk; setting ablaze the pagan pyre -- the seeker who never sleeps and who remains alert through it all. Purveyor of all the signs; all the discrepancies in all that is alleged to be spoken. Like the quicksilver globule it can transmutate and assume whatever shape it requires to perceive they who remain, for the most part, aloof.

My curiosity flares once more; sending shafts of ethereal light onto the trail; melting in that instance the frost which forms at my feet.

Soon, it will be time for the two parts to merge once more ... and further insights to be gleaned and then portrayed in their enchanted glory ...my mind is focussed where the Hawk doest hover ... and I summon the will to control the arts; so I may reveal once more those hidden trails