Further Reading

Monday, 23 July 2007

Another tall story blown sky-high

Sydney Morning Herald Headline; says: "Perhaps thoughts of September 11 and its burning skyscrapers came to mind when investigators found a photograph of Mohamed Haneef and his family posing outside the Q1 residential tower on the Gold Coast.The 77-storey, 322.5-metre landmark - the world's tallest residential building - has become a photogenic attraction in itself in the middle of Surfers Paradise. But in the age of terrorism, you want to watch where you point your camera.

In Haneef's case, his tower photograph prompted reports in Sunday newspapers of a terrorist plot to blow up the landmark. His lawyers said it was the first they had heard of it. Then it fell to the Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Mick Keelty, to publicly declare the claims false.

It was the last thing Mr Keelty needed after weeks of controversy over the Haneef case, including British police sources describing Australian police as "a laughing stock" after the revelation that the crucial claim against the doctor - that his SIM card was found at the scene of a Glasgow bombing attempt - was false.

"We will be taking the extraordinary step of contacting Dr Haneef's lawyer to correct the record," Mr Keelty said."

This is a prime example of how the world has gone totally mad & overboard with the hypersensitivity created by the hidden places which drive the media; and also dictate the crazy policies to their operatives, which then become the 'terrorist laws' which our puppet governments bring into existence.