Further Reading

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Brown announces new border police force - but no new powers

Daily Mail Headline; says: 'Gordon Brown has announced Britain's first unified border force will be set up - but it will have no new powers. The Prime Minister said the force would comprise next month with officers from the Border and Immigration Agency, Revenue and Customs and UK Visas being brought together, creating a single checkpoint for travellers at ports and airports.

He claimed the new border force would provide a "highly visible, uniformed presence" combining both passport control and customs - but sparked criticism from critics it was a border police 'lite' because it would not comprise any new powers.

Mr Brown also attracted criticism when he announced plans to double the current 28 day limit that terror suspects can be held without charge. He told MPs there was a "growing weight of opinion" on the need to extend the time limit and the Government would put forward four options - including a plan to increase the period to 56 days.

He said the "first line of defence" was overseas and all visa applicants would now require biometric information from next year. Mr Brown also said the e-borders scheme would be enhanced to help track and intercept terrorists and illegal immigrants.