Further Reading

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Daily Merlin: A Hive of Activity

Daily Merlin Insight
11:00pm - 11:45pm
Thursday 12th July 2007

An insight to perhaps explain the current hive of activity in the area where Madeleine disappeared:-

There appears some confusion to make sense of the locality where Maddy was said to have disappeared from. A feeling of facts or information being wrong. Yet, clearly the evidence and the provided locations cannot be wrong? Some deception perhaps?

Emperor ... an image which implies control and precision. Pre-planning and an organised chain of events and much forward planning. A 'cheetah' moving quickly across land, too fast to be pursued or caught. Around its neck however a collar, held by the unknown individual who is able to bring the enquiry back to this locality. There appears a weak link in the chain, it seems there is cowardice or a feeling of doing the right thing. This male holds the key. Questions need to be asked relating to what some members of the party were doing there ...unaccompanied. It seems the 'Cheetah' could have made an escape and could never have been found. But it was always planned the cheetah would return back to where the trail started. But what would a 'game animal' be doing in the tourist areas of Portugal? Some of the characters and faces there seemingly are out of place ...? There was apparently a very well planned event around that time. Links also with horses and breeding of pure blood lines?

King of Pentacles - the motivation - the identity of one of those in the driving seat is currently still in town. Or has just recently returned. Someone's home appears to be an island or a country with active volcanoes. This character though not a kingly one, has rank ... and the composure of somewhere well connected.

Knight of Cups ... someone in Law Enforcement gathering the information relating to the trail; not to convict anyone but in truth act like a scout to cover the trail. Tidying up all the loose ends ... because there are so many discrepancies. Someone has demanded they put a lid on it all ... before the situation reaches a conclusion. At a later date someone would then pull to pieces the official story because of all the gaps in it all.

Any insights relating to Maddy at this moment in time:

Nobody meant her any harm. No harm has befallen her. No harm is to befall her yet those around her refuse as yet to yield to what others wish them to do. They keep her close to them. They hold her like she is their own. They know they must part from her. It is all as it was told to be but they have grown fond of her. It is nearly time for them to say their good byes to her. One in their ranks knows her parents ... and is often on the phone to them.

It seems she was exchanged in to their hands by someone. As a means to convince another someone. To bring into force an intention by another someone. A sphere of influence not normally involved in these things. sing the agencies at its disposal to hide its tracks and trails ... to provide the time it had designed ... to keep the separation seemingly real.

The images of the Empress & the Lovers. It appears it is all directed at Kate. A side oppose her .. because there are sides. There appear to be two women here and it has all got so confused. With conception Kate was transformed. Maddy is her lively little butterfly. But Maddy seemed born for a purpose, something pointed out to Gerry at an early stage. Something appears unusual about the way or the method Maddy was conceived. Something pioneering. Quite unusual. It appears it may be contrived as a sin because it goes against a specific belief. But those within the tightly packed ranks are saying nothing. They are keeping what higher echelons are saying even from Gerry. Someone higher up has full control but is remaining aloof and not acting to teach perhaps a vital lesson. When boots get too big it perhaps is necessary within these close knit places for these ones to be taught a valuable lesson. Gerry placed within an instruction perhaps a need or a service. He is powerless because the control is not his own. He must do exactly what he is told in order to 'pay off this lesson'.