Further Reading

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Daily Merlin Insights

In your ‘Daily Merlin’ tarot readings which you provide insights with regard to the abduction of Madeleine McCann … and have been doing for a number of weeks now … how do you arrive at the images and the information which you include in your posts? Do you pick each card yourself or are you actually undertaking a mini tarot reading? Thanks, Laura, Stafford, UK.

Good question. One worth an inclusion here. Each and every Daily Merlin insight is undertaken in the same way. It follows the same ‘ritual’ of pattern making … the question or the focus of the insight is decided upon and then I undertake a short meditation on it; whilst at the same time I thoroughly shuffle the tarot cards. Any impressions or thoughts I receive during this period, I will keep a note of if I feel they at all relevant.

The cards are then split into three piles. They do not have to be of equal size. I will then always pick the middle pile – representative of the middle pillar or the central path - for situations that relate to the present time. I pick the right hand pile for anything relating to future events … and the left hand pile for what I might wish to glean that relates to the past.

The chosen pile is then shuffled again whilst a further contemplation is undertaken. Usually I will read the relevant news story or gaze at the photograph if a photograph is the focus in that particular insight.

I will then pick the central cards of this pile. If the pile is of an odd number I will pick the central card and one from either side; choosing three in total. If the pile is an even number I pick the two central cards and one from either side; choosing four in total. The cards are ALWAYS chosen FACE down … I never look at the images beforehand; only seeing the images once the selection process is completed.

I then place the images on the table before me … and then undertake a brief meditation on each of the cards to determine their connection to the situation and their interactions to each other.

It is at this point I then commence writing the transcript. Also bringing any other information I may have received clairvoyantly … what I may feel or hear … or have seen within my mind. Often during the process of writing the transcript I will add additional information which I have intuited during the writing stage. MJ