Further Reading

Thursday, 19 July 2007

Happy 18th

Our eldest son is 18 on Saturday!

Have planned a nice Thai meal (made by yours truly...ie me!) a few drinks (now he is legally old enough)......and then probably chat the night away.

Hard to believe that 18 years ago, I was suffering from insomnia, couldn't get any sleep, was 8 months pregnant and wishing the last month away.

One night in particular, had really had enough of not being able to sleep, started to curse and swear....then my sister Ellen (in spirit) came through....and told me that it was a boy, and that he was going to be a succesful medium in years to come and that he would go 'right to the top'.....

Now after the 'readings' he did at the age of 8....I could well believe this.

But we believe that all kids should have their childhood and not be pushed into something they do not want to do. So we left him alone, let him grow up and decide for himself what he wants to do.

Anyway, just wanted to wish him a happy 18th for tomorrow (21st) in case he happens to read our blog!