Further Reading

Saturday, 14 July 2007

An Interlude explained

Chalice Well, Glastonbury

Please forgive the previous interlude and apparent digression into the realm of 'rock videos'. Sound & sound harmonics are an essential part of life. An essential part of creation. Without sound there would be absolutely nothing in this material realm; sound is the quintessential ingredient in this world because everything around us is composed of sound. We do not exist in a silent vacuum ... therefore the blog required some sound harmonics. Some music to liven it up a little at this time. I therefore chose three favourite of what I call 'spiritual tracks' ... 'In a Lifetime' & 'Newgrange' by Clannad and the heartfelt 'White Dove' by The Scorpions, the lyrics of which have already been featured in a previous post on A Light in the Darkness.

From time to time other music and sound videos will be added here ... to basically add the dimension of sound to this realm.