Further Reading

Saturday, 14 July 2007

Kate McCann & the twins visit the UK

Sky News; says:
Madeleine McCann's mother has returned to the UK for a brief visit - as a new campaign is launched to raise awareness about the missing four-year-old. Kate flew out of Portugal with her brother and sister.

They are joining Madeleine's father Gerry, who is already in Britain. He has been meeting with child abduction experts to learn about criminal profiling techniques used in the hunt for his young daughter. He visited the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) in London as part of a short trip to the UK. Ceop has been playing a high-profile role in the investigation into Madeleine's abduction, providing crucial expertise to Portuguese detectives.

The organisation has also launched a mass trawl of holiday snaps gathered from members of the public who were in the Algarve around the time of Madeleine's abduction. This has been used to check bystanders' features against biometric facial maps of known offenders. Ceop specialises in building up intelligence on online paedophiles and helps track down sex offenders who have breached their restrictions.

The circle comes back round again to the software surveillance of tourist photographs. A reminder once more of this aspect of the case. But is it truly relevant in connection with the abductors of Maddy? Someone somewhere is again reinforcing the paedophile rings which are out there. Keeping it in our minds ... the Pied Piper playing subliminal games with us still. The real reason for a visit to the UK can be explained quite simply can it not? Without intrigue or potential for conspiracy? There is surely no more to it than it has been reported?

Daily Merlin Insight
11:40 - 11;50am
Sunday 15th July 2007
New Zealand
Merlin Tarot

The Charioteer reveals its image once more, leading us across 'the stream' backwards and forwards from one suggested reason to another. To keep us confused maybe? 'The stream' which the charioteer crosses contains the one salmon which is whom we all seek. However, know the direction of this juvenile salmon wanders in a different direction to where we are being lead by the mesmeric efforts of the charioteer.

Someone somewhere would have us believe that the intelligence sources track the movements of the true trail of 'the salmon' seemingly ready to pounce on the abductors? That we should trust the reports of investigations going in these advertised directions? It appears not to be truly not the case ... the imagery of 'Strength' depicts a female 'healer' being seen to comfort the troubled lion; restoring perhaps its pride and its standing as the king in the jungle.

The 8 of Fishes indicates it is not the truth which the charioteer portrays; and the Pied Piper reports via its Media puppets. Communications come from a location which wishes the observers eyes to be averted away from the true path of the stream.

News stories are seemingly still part of the 'cloud making machine' ... smokescreens to avert our eyes from the true trail. A trail, which those who direct the intelligence & media agencies, are more aware of than they will let on. There is seemingly a cover up. More to it all than meets the eye; a reiteration here of factors discussed already in previous insights. Seemingly little has changed. The 'young salmon' and its progress along 'the stream' is of real significance to unknown powerful people. It is kept hidden. It is surrounded still by subterfuge and false trails. Why?