Further Reading

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Forca, Fe & Esperanca; 'power of belief and hope'

Sky News Headline; says:
Madeleine McCann's parents are learning Portuguese as they make plans for an indefinite stay in the country to continue the search for their daughter. erry and Kate McCann , who recently moved out of their holiday complex into a more permanent flat, know they will be in Praia de Luz for the foreseeable future and think it is time to learn the language. They do not want formal lessons and are learning from locals with whom they have become friendly while attending church.

The couple feel a knowledge of Portuguese would help their dealings with the police team hunting for Madeleine - as well as in their day-to-day living as they integrate more with the local community.

So far, they have learned a handful of everyday phrases but have also mastered "força" (meaning strength or power), "fé" (faith, belief) and "esperança" (hope, expectation).

They said they had no plans to return to their jobs as doctors in the UK until the Madeleine inquiry is resolved.

Daily Merlin Insight
The Glastonbury Tarot

The Ace of Chalices represents a mysterious artifact shrouded in mystery. An ordinary looking blue bowl thought to possess legendary ancient powers. The blue bowl is of apparent mystical & religious significance ... an object of great change and transformation. It has the power to inspire. Though the image is that of a symbolic artifact, the signification here is of a situation contrived to inspire people and to generate emotions & feelings in connection with the cause being portrayed in the public arena.

King of Staffs implies a time of great forward movement. A sudden influx of energy which cannot be ignored. There is deliberate excitement & impatience to make things happen. It provides an insight into the strong-mindedness and an indomitable will being presented by persons behind the media blackout. The King of Staffs represents the actual situation itself; possessing a dynamic & unique personality all of its own.

Maid of Vesicas depicts a pregnant woman bearing a Vesica in her hands (A Vesica is effectively a symbol of yin and yang). She sits beneath a tree, he gaze staring at a stream ahead of her. She implies the background to the situation is literally to do with pregnancy, motherhood, genetic & ancestral lineage ... the image implies a new way of thinking, spiritual matters. Currently the implication is of a time of renewal.

The Vesica can indicate a time of grounding of spiritual energies ... the claimed 'abduction' of Madeleine McCann created to seemingly draw to it all the attention of the general public; forces behind it then seemingly intentionally controlling & changing the perceptions of the general public with regard to the matters which this situation relates to. Major changes are afoot.