Further Reading

Thursday, 12 July 2007

'Putting two and two together to make a news story '

Sky News Headline
, says:
Madeleine McCann's parents have been shocked and distressed by reports of a body being found in a marina near to where they are staying in Portugal.

Gerry McCann said they received an early morning call from a journalist asking if he knew about the discovery. The body was of a British yachtsman at a marina in Lagos, just a few miles from Praia de Luz where Madeleine was last seen on May 3rd.

"We were called very early, even before the twins were awake, by a reputable press agency saying that a body had been found and asking if it was true", said Mr McCann. "It is very disappointing that this person did not check out the source of this rumour before contacting us. Such calls and rumours are distressing even though we know, if it does not come through an official source, not to place much emphasis on it,"

Sky reporter Amanda Walker who is in Praia de Luz said: "Local reporters heard a body had been found in the marina and they began to put two and two together. Portuguese police went to the scene but it was all very low key and any connection with Madeleine was quickly ruled out."

This was mentioned in Gerry's Blog yesterday in his Day 69 entry. It is old news but it seems anything is used to keep the media awareness alive still. Someone is astute and aware there is a need to supply a news headline, not necessarily every day but for each news cycle.