Further Reading

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Sodalite: The Creative One

I've had a fragment of Sodalite for as long as I can remember. It's always been an integral part of my mineralogy collection. As with most of my most prized companions, it is unpolished --- I find the resonance of a crystal spoiled by being tumbled or polished.

I find Sodalite to focus and increase my creative awareness. Its vibration aids the inspiration process. It was usual for a guided meditation involving holding the Sodalite fragment to lead to an hour or two (or three or four!) spent doodling & illustrating. Many of the older original artwork examples within A Light in the Darkness ... pre-2000 were inspired in this way. Certainly the majority of the ink & pencil illustrations. Sadly, this process has not been adopted in recent times ... for the most part illustrations are now computer aided. It is perhaps time to reacquaint myself with my Sodalite companion in an attempt to rekindle my creative awareness of the 20th Century.

I also find comfort in holding my Sodalite companion in times of insecurity. It appears to alleviate negative energies of fear ... and to ward off potentials of psychic attack. Certainly in the early days of occultic explorations ... when as a naive teenager I was wide open to the unknown entities out there, meditations with Sodalite seemed less prone to interference by 'negatives'.

Sodalite is similar in appearance to Lapis Lazuli ... and a vibrational level its energies do seem similar. Both minerals appear to work with the higher self and faster levels of awareness.