Further Reading

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Update: Harry Potter used in worldwide appeal to help find missing Madeleine

Harry Potter author JK Rowling is using the worldwide appeal of her boy wizard to help the search for missing Madeleine McCann. She hopes thousands of people around the globe will see the missing girl's image as they queue up to buy their copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

She said yesterday: "I fervently hope that posters displayed prominently in shops all over the world when the new book comes out will help find Madeleine McCann and will help raise the profile of the many other missing children in different countries."

The posters show three different pictures of Madeleine, above the message: "If you have seen me, please contact your local police agency!"

The posters also give the website address for the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children. Rowling is asking bookshops to display the pictures through her 65 international publishers.

Rowling has already pledged money towards the reward fund for information leading to Madeleine's recovery. She and her publishers originally planned to print bookmarks with Madeleine's image which could be inserted into copies of the new book. But the idea was shelved after they decided it would not be responsible to expose younger readers to the story of Madeleine's disappearance. The writer has also provided a link to the findmadeleine.com website from her own website jkrowling.com, which receives between three and seven million hits per day. (Daily Mail)

Daily Merlin Insight
10:35pm - 11:15pm
17th July 2007
New Zealand

[undisclosed image]
3 of Fishes - affection

The imagery revealed by the involvement of the 'Woman of the Apples' implies a change for the better. Total change & reorientation can be anticipated within the situation. Though there is tension presented by the 'wheel of three fishes' with their tails tangled in the 3 of Fishes --- the conflict which is very central to the entire situation --- there is no directed threat pointed to the little girl at the epicentre of it all. The essence of corruption is around the hooded Woman of the Apples. It appears her role to purify all that is around this situation. She is symbolically Ariadne, the Weaver Goddess ... the image of one of her spider's weaving its web from the branch of a tree can be seen clearly in the background. This tree represents the puzzle which is being presented before us. The story weaved before our eyes that we are expected to accept.

All of the layers of the current storyline, and it is a complex plot --- one worthy of a major best seller in its own right --- conceal the very answer we require. The plot is disguised too. We seek the ending. We seek to know that the little girl is alive and well. In the current climate we are not permitted to know. But there are tiny pointers and freudian slips which indicate she is still very much alive. Observations of the latest plot webs will reveal this for sure.

Her location is concealed too. The storyline and its many plots go at great lengths to lead our attention away from that question. The answer to it is most surely so obvious. Maddy is concealed for sure behind the ancient trees depicted in two of the above three images. Her current custodian is most surely a woman. Her actions are part and parcel of a symbolic ritual of transformation and change. Maddy is most surely safe and well; but the Maddy prior to her disappearance most certainly did not survive. Remember this is symbolic in the eyes of those who live and breath ritual & symbolism. Maddy will most surely be resurrected ... re-emerging into the world a totally different person. Maddy is still very much alive & well; her role is that of an archetype in a ritual power play; nothing more. An acolyte. She will not have come to any harm. For this storyline before us is merely a power play. An enactment it seems of a celebration of the cycle of the sun through the four seasons. Those at the centre of the power play I sense are worshippers of the sun and the religions which connect with that belief.

Know the web in the foreground of the image links with the web woven by the spider which hid the infant Jesus from Herod's soldiers. Symbolically now it is the same. The storyline before us ... the web of intrigue woven to hide the location of Maddy from those who still so desperately seek her. Once the cycle of the four seasons is complete Maddy may re-emerge identifiable to all ... thus safe from those who once had the intention perhaps to do her harm. But perhaps this was part of the ritual too? Another aspect of the symbolism.

Sadly though, ritual & symbolism aside, to the McCanns this situation is within their reality and thus so very real. Those who hold Maddy surely cannot be linked by blood? Surely a family cannot be cruel to other family members as this? That most surely cannot be part of this plot? But in truth one who is in daily sight of Maddy appears to link close to her. Very close.

Finally the imagery of Justice, it effectively indicates that balance will eventually be restored. However it primus operandi is to indicate that which is most certainly being concealed ... two interlocking dragon lines ... one of red and one of blue. The red being the celtic blood and the blue line being that hidden aspect of the lineage that links with this situation. The two blood lines are in conflict within this image. Three steps are indicated in the foreground of the image and represent steps that lead into the great unknown ... that which all witness as the players enact this power play before our very eyes. Great steps are taken to lead our attention, our observations ... away from the locality within the trees where Maddy resides. We are being mesmerised by all the unimportant incidental circles going round and round. We could be lead straight to where Maddy resides, because someone within the power play most surely knows.

Someone worthy of trust stands before the conflict ... in the image the person is represented bu the Goddess of Justice. In her hand she holds the Sword of Severance. In reality this represents a line of communication which could effectively end this situation. The Goddess bears the cup of blessing too ... which indicates the standing and the rank of this person. It also reveals much more in the way of insights. But know this person is sword to secrecy ... as is their successor. There is in a truth a mysterious power behind it all ... one which the 'Goddess of Justice' is unable to defy. It is a force which transcends many of the personal consciousnesses which exist within the situation. Nobody is able to reveal the situation ... even after it has run its course. We are merely to be the observers ... it is unlikely that any of us lesser powers will ever break the chain of command. Anyone discovering the location of Maddy is likely to receive only silence in reply. The information passed then along the chain to higher offices ... to those who undoubtedly already know where Maddy resides. Her locality is a 'safe house' for sure. In a location right before everyone's eyes ...

**Update 18th July 2007**

Contrary to the gender of the figure in the Justice imagery, the individual who can communicate inside information relating to this 'injustice' is in fact a male. He has currently been provided with a new direction. He still has the contacts he had which are linked to this situation.


"the Maddy prior to her disappearance most certainly did not survive. Remember this is symbolic in the eyes of those who live and breath ritual & symbolism. Maddy will most surely be resurrected ... re-emerging into the world a totally different person."

To avoid any confusion or undue concern ... the above portend refers to the fact that life can no longer be the same for Maddy. Prior to her disappearance her identity was not known by the public eye. She lived a normal & ordinary life. But now ... when she re-emerges in the foreseeable future her life can no longer be the same. Maddy will be in the public eye. Her face known by so many people.