Further Reading

Saturday, 4 August 2007

Campaign Builds Up To Mark Milestones

Sky News Headline; says: 'The campaign to find Madeleine McCann has intensified as her parents marked three months since she was abducted. Kate and Gerry McCann are now back in Praia da Luz after a trip to Huelva in Spain where they distributed posters and wristbands. They took the new poster to several garages, taxi ranks and the bus and train stations.

Madeleine's father said: "This was definitely a worthwhile exercise, as many people did not seemingly recognise Madeleine but we did get a very warm response from the Spanish people we met."

2 of Serpents - 'Choice'
9 of Serpents - 'Endurance'

In the image of the Merlin tarot 'Moon' the obedient & trusting companion sits patiently on one side of a pool watching the 'crying wolf'. In the foreground a solitary tower stands, perhaps the 'prop' of the fabled land where the fair maiden awaits rescue from her 'prison' in that tower. The Newt in the foreground of the image is the 'dweller of the two worlds'.

But what are the two worlds relating to the situation?

The Newt is the simplest form of the serpent ... and in this instance is perhaps symbolic of the observer's consciousness. It is not ready to plunge into the pool in the foreground .... the intended subliminal sub-consciousness the creator of the imagery intends for the observer ... thus the Newt is clearly not easily fooled by the moonlit imagery. All is not what it appears.

The 9 of Serpents with its meaning of endurance ... the closure of this situation perhaps as it has now gone on too long ... but who has the 'choice' to end the 'fable'? Who makes the decision ... and what is the date chosen for the closure? Is it any way linked to the woman in the moon ... the imagery in the background of this image?

The red arrow points to an anomaly in the photo. A small child is seen behind the car. I wonder if this is by accident or design by the photographer? Obviously it is not Madeleine McCann but the profile could be construed as a lookalike ...